On physical processes that work like learning algorithms, Vidyesh Rao Anisetti
Overcoming Controls and Noise Challenges for High Power Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors, Elenna Capote
Dynamical Dark Energy from Lattice Quantum Gravity, Mingwei Dai
Defects and deformation in passive and active structural glasses, Julia Ann Giannini
Examination of the Impact of Targeted Remediation on Student Outcomes in Introductoryf Physics, Brendan Parlee
Gauge-Invariant Correlators In Quantum Gravity, Kenneth Ratliff
Open Quantum Systems in High Energy Physics, Bharath Sambasivam
Design, Construction and Installation of the Upgrade Tracker(UT) in the LHCb experiment, Joseph D. Shupperd
Vimentin inside and outside the cell: from cell spreading to nuclear mechanics to COVID-19, Maxx Swoger
Investigating Holography using Classical and Quantum Simulations, Goksu Can Toga
Studies Towards Improved Gravitational Wave Detector Thermodynamics, Daniel Vander-Hyde
Neutron Star Interiors: From Proto-Neutron Stars To Galactic Pulsars, Chaitanya Afle
The biophysics of bacterial collective motion: Measuring responses to mechanical and genetic cues, Merrill Einar Asp
Mechanobiology as a tool for addressing the genotype-to- phenotype problem in microbiology, Merrill E. Asp, Minh-Tri Ho Thanh, Subarna Dutta, Jessica A. Comstock, Roy D. Welch, and Alison E. Patteson
Amplitude analysis of B0 decays to J/ψπ−K+ and ψ(2S)π−K+, Andy Beiter
Geometric confinement of thin films: From crumple formation to curvature-induced propulsion, Raj De
AlGaAs Coating Studies for Present and Future Gravitational Wave Detectors, Nicholas Anthony Didio
Antibacterial and Cytocompatible pH-Responsive Peptide Hydrogel, Dona I. Edirisinghe, Areetha D'Souza, Maryam Ramezani, Robert J. Carroll, Quenten Chicón, Cheyene L. Muenzel, Jonathan Soule, Mary B. Monroe, Alison E. Patteson, and Olga V. Makhlynets
Characterizing Organic Micropollutants and their Transformation Products in Long Island Groundwater, MP Geiss
Physical Insights into Biological Processes: From Viral Uptake to Chromatin Organization to Cell Motility to Tissue Rigidity, Sarthak Gupta
Downconversion of Phonons to Suppress Correlated Errors in Superconducting Qubit Arrays, Vito Iaia
Hydrodynamics, Stability and Accretion: from planets, to stars, to supermassive black holes, Suman Kumar Kundu
Heterotypic Interactions in the Complex Environments of Living Tissue, Elizabeth Lawson-Keister
The Effect of Ionic Strength in MAP65 Binding To Microtubules, Hong Beom Lee
Asymptotics, Geometry, and Soft Matter, Manu Mannattil
The molecular biophysics of extracellular vimentin and its role in pathogen–host interactions, Sepideh Parvanian, Leila S. Coelho-Rato, John E. Eriksson, and Alison E. Patteson
Vimentin takes a hike – Emerging roles of extracellular vimentin in cancer and wound healing, Sepideh Parvanian, Leila S. Coelho-Rato, Alison E. Patteson, and John E. Eriksson
Search for Majorana neutrinos in B− → D(∗)+μ−μ− decays, Hangyi Wu
Investigation of Holographic Lattice Theories, Muhammad Asaduzzaman
A Torsion-Based Rheometer for Measuring Viscoelastic Material Properties, Merrill E. Asp, Elise Jutzeler, Jakub Kochanowski, Katherine Kerr, Dawei Song, Sarthak Gupta, Robert Carroll, and Alison E. Patteson
Search for NuMI muDAR Electron Neutrinos in MicroBooNE, Ohana Benevides Rodrigues
Measurements of B → D(∗)−,0D(∗)+,0K+π− Branching Fractions in the K∗0 Mass Window, Harris Bernstein
Mechanologic: Designing Mechanical Devices that Compute, Michelle Berry
Extracellular vimentin is sufficient to promote cell attachment, spreading, and motility by a mechanism involving N-acetyl glucosamine-containing structures, Robert Bucki, Daniel V. Iwamoto, Xuechen Shi, Katherine E. Kerr, Fitzroy J. Byfield, Lukasz Suprewicz, Karol Sklodowski, Julian Sutaria, Pawel Misiak, Agnieszka Z. Wilczewska, Sekar Ramachandran, Aaron Wolfe, Minh H. Thanh, Eli Whalen, Alison E. Patteson, and Paul A. Janmey
Dynamic remodeling of fiber networks with stiff inclusions under compressive loading, Robert J. Carroll, Minh H. Thanh, and Alison E. Patteson
Characterization of superconducting hardware for implementing quantum stabilizers, Kenneth Richard Dodge
Measurement of |vcb| Using the Semileptonic Decay Λb → Λcμνμ, Scott Edward Ely
WDR5 Network Analysis Using Ensemble Approaches, Ali Imran
Geometry of discrete and continuous bounded surfaces, Kyung Eun Kim
Rab11 endosomes and Pericentrin coordinate centrosome movement during pre-abscission in vivo, Nikhila Krishnan, Maxx Swoger, Lindsay I. Rathbun, Peter J. Fioramonti, Judy Freshour, Michael Bates, Alison E. Patteson, and Heidi Hehnly
Design and modeling of superconducting hardware for implementing quantum stabilizers, Yebin Liu
Observation of the Ξ_b^-→Λ_b^0 π^- decay and measurement of B(Ξ_b^-→Λ_b^0 π^-), Zhuoming Li
Spreading rates of bacterial colonies depend on substrate stiffness and permeability, Alison Patteson, Merrill Asp, Minh H. Thanh, Danielle A. Germann, Robert J. Carroll, Alana Franceski, Roy D. Welch, and Arvind Gopinath
Materials science and mechanosensitivity of living matter, Alison E. Patteson, Merrill E. Asp, and Paul A. Janmey
Unique Role of Vimentin Networks in Compression Stiffening of Cells and Protection of Nuclei from Compressive Stress, Katarzyna Pogoda, Fitzroy Byfield, Piotr Deptuła, Mateusz Cieśluk, Łukasz Suprewicz, Karol Skłodowski, Jordan L. Shivers, Anne van Oosten, Katrina Cruz, Ekaterina Tarasovetc, Ekaterina L. Grishchuk, Fred C. Mackintosh, Robert Bucki, Alison E. Patteson, and Paul A. Janmey
Self-organization of Microtubule and Associated Protein Map65, Sumon Sahu
How Green Lakes State Park Got Its Name: The optics and appearance of Fayetteville Green Lakes, Eric A. Schiff
High Fidelity Universal Gates Performed on a Continuously-Decoupled Coherence Enhanced Transmon Qubit, Michael Senatore
Characterization of Scintillation Light in Large Liquid Argon Detectors and the Implications for Proton Decay Searches, Kyle Spurgeon
Detector Improvements and Optimization to Advance Gravitational-wave Astronomy, Varun Srivastava
Vimentin Intermediate Filaments Mediate Cell Morphology on Viscoelastic Substrates, Maxx Swoger, Sarthak Gupta, Elisabeth E. Charrier, Michael Bates, Heidi Hehnly, and Alison E. Patteson
Probing Lepton Flavour Universality With $\bz \to \kstarz \taup \taum$, Aravindhan Venkateswaran
Constraining Beam Backgrounds and Analyzing the Detector Response in a Test Beam With the Nova Experiment, Abhilash Yallappa Dombara
Observation of Ω Contribution in the c1(3872) → Π+π−j/ψ Decays, Baasansuren Batsukh
MeV Scale Physics in Microboone, Avinay Bhat
A data-driven statistical description for the hydrodynamics of active matter, Ahmad Borzou, Alison E. Patteson, and J. M. Schwarz
Binary Neutron Star Mergers: Gravitational-wave Measurements of Their Parameters and the Nuclear Equation of State, Daniel Roger Finstad
Interplay of Geometry and Mechanics: Disordered Spring Networks and Shape-changing Cerebella, Mahesh Chandrasekhar Gandikota
The role of vimentin–nuclear interactions in persistent cell motility through confined spaces, Sarthak Gupta, Alison E. Patteson, and J. M. Schwarz
Multimode Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics With Superconducting Metamaterial Resonators, . Indrajeet
Utilizing Parity Violating Electron Scattering As a Probe to Measure the Neutron Radius of 208-pb, David Eric King
Eccentricity of Merging Neutron Star Binaries: Searches, Parameter Estimation, and Future Prospects, Amber Kiana Lenon
A tissue-engineered human trabecular meshwork hydrogel for advanced glaucoma disease modeling, Haiyan Li, Tyler Bagué, Alexander Kirschner, Ana N. Strat, Haven Roberts, Robert W. Weisenthal, Alison E. Patteson, Nasim Annabi, W. Daniel Stamer, Preethi S. Ganapathy, and Samuel Herberg
Dynamic Nuclear Structure Emerges from Chromatin Cross-Links and Motors, Kuang Liu, Alison E. Patteson, Edward J. Banigan, and J. M. Schwarz
A Solid-State Phase Camera for Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors, Erik Muniz
Effective Computational Cosmology, Eva Nesbit
Vimentin tunes cell migration on collagen by controlling β1 integrin activation and clustering, Zofia Ostrowska-Podhorodecka, Isabel Ding, Wilson Lee, Jelena Tanic, Sevil Abbasi, Pamma D. Arora, Richard S. Liu, Alison E. Patteson, Paul A. Janmey, and Christopher A. McCulloch
Cell nuclei as cytoplasmic rheometers, Alison E. Patteson and J. M. Schwarz
Beyond the Standard Models of Particle Physics and Cosmology, Gabriele Rigo
Beyond The Standard Models Of Particle Physics And Cosmology, Gabriele Rigo
Buckling Patterns and Mechanics of Thin Interfacial Polymer Films, Monica M. Ripp
Bacterial activity hinders particle sedimentation, Jaspreet Singh, Alison E. Patteson, Bryan O. Torres Maldonado, Prashant K. Purohit, and Paulo E. Arratia
Cell-induced confinement effects in soft tissue mechanics, Dawei Song, Jordan L. Shivers, Fred C. MacKintosh, Alison E. Patteson, and Paul A. Janmey
Extracellular Vimentin as a Target Against SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Invasion, Łukasz Suprewicz, Maxx Swoger, Sarthak Gupta, Ewelina Piktel, Fitzroy J. Byfield, Daniel V. Iwamoto, Danielle Germann, Joanna Reszeć, Natalia Marcińczyk, Robert J. Carroll, Paul A. Janmey, J. M. Schwarz, Robert Bucki, and Alison E. Patteson
Self-organization in Models of Cyclically Sheared Suspensions, Jikai Wang
First Measurement of B(ξc0 → Π−λ+c ), Michael Kent Wilkinson
Direct Single Molecule Imaging of Enhanced Diffusion for Enzymes and Enzyme-conjugated Dna origami, Mengqi Xu
Loops versus lines and the compression stiffening of cells, Mahesh C. Gandikota, Katarzyna Pogoda, Anne van Oosten, Tyler A. Engstrom, Alison E. Patteson, Paul E. Janmey, and J. M. Schwarz
Investigating the parameters affecting the sensitivity of a protein nanopore sensor, Motahareh Ghahari Larimi
Rigidity in Frictional Particle Packings and Dynamics in Living Polymeric Packings, Kuang Liu
Cosmological Implications of Co-Decaying Dark Matter, Brandon Scott Melcher
The vimentin cytoskeleton: when polymer physics meets cell biology, Alison E. Patteson, Robert J. Carroll, Daniel V. Iwamoto, and Paul A. Janmey
Mechanical and Non-Mechanical Functions of Filamentous and Non-Filamentous Vimentin, Alison E. Patteson, Amir Vahabikashi, Robert D. Goldman, and Paul A. Janmey
Form Follows Science: An Approach for Reversing the Anthropocene, Diane Jodi Portugal
Fluidization and Segregation in Confluent Models for Biological Tissues, Preeti Sahu
Investigating the Relationships Between Disorder, Structure, and Dynamics in Amorphous Systems, Ethan Stanifer
Laboratory Studies of Structural Changes in Water-Poor and Water-Rich Ices: A Connection to Molecule Formation in Interstellar Ices, Francis Eugene Toriello
Observation of new excited Bs0 states using the LHCb Detector, Yuezhe Yao
Euclidean Dynamical Triangulations: Running Couplings and Curvature Correlation Functions, Scott David Bassler
Strongly coupled fermions on the lattice, Nouman Tariq Butt
Relevant Operators of Particle Physics and Cosmology, Cem Eroncel
Digital Readout and Control of a Superconducting Qubit, Caleb Jordan Howington