Topology of Smectic Order on Compact Substrates, Xiangiun Xing
First indications of causal set cosmology, Maqbool Ahmed
Near Scale Invariance with Modified Dispersion Relations, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Why Should Primordial Perturbations be in a Vacuum State?, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Experimental investigations towards production of hyperpolarized xenon-129 through the condensed state, Durdana Nazim Balakishiyeva
First Observation of psi(3770) decays to photon chi(cJ), Jamila Bashir Butt
Simulations of {\cal N}=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory in Two Dimensions, Simon Catterall
A Critique of the Link Approach to Exact Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall, Falk Bruckmann, and Mark de Kok
Twisted Supersymmetric Sigma Model on the Lattice, Simon Catterall and Sofiane Ghadab
Intracellular Signaling: How do Cells Respond to Single and Multiple Inputs, LaToya Crayton
Exact supersymmetry on the lattice, Sofiane Ghadab
Temperature Dependence of the Electron Diffusion Coefficient in Electrolyte-Filled TiO2, Nikos Kopidakis, Kurt D. Benkstein, Arthur J. Frank, Quan Yuan, and Eric A. Schiff
Temperature Dependence of the Electron Diffusion Coefficient in Electrolyte-Filled TiO2 Nanoparticle Films: Evidence Against Multiple Trapping in Exponential Conduction-Band Tails, Nikos Kopidakis, Kurt D. Benkstein, Jao van de Lagemaat, Quan Yuan, and Eric A. Schiff
Hole Mobility Limit of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells, Jiang Liang, Eric A. Schiff, S. Guha, Baojie Yan, and Jeff Yang
Device physics of hydrogenated amorphous silicon solar cells, Jianjun Liang
Are Domain Walls in Spin Glasses Described by Stochastic Loewner Evolutions?, Alan Middleton, Denis Bernard, and Pierre Le Doussal
Measuring Functional Renormalization Group Fixed-Point Functions for Pinned Manifolds, Alan Middleton, Pierre Le Doussal, and Kay Jorg Wiese
Chiral Approach to Phi Radiative Decays, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Masayasu Harada
Generalized Sigma Model Description of the Light J=0 Mesons, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, and Renata Jora
Model for Light Scalars in QCD, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, and Renata Jora
An Approach to Permutation Symmetry for the Electroweak Theory, Joseph Schechter, Renata Jora, and Salah Nasri
Hole Mobilities and the Physics of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells, Eric A. Schiff
Mode-Coupling Theory of the Stress-Tensor Autocorrelation Function of a Dense Binary Fluid Mixture, Supurna Sinha and M. Cristina Marchetti
Sound-Propagation Gap in Fluid Mixtures, Supurna Sinha and M. Cristina Marchetti
String Gas Cosmology, Scott Watson and Thorsten Battefeld
Dilaton Dynamics from Production of Tensionless Membranes, Scott Watson and Sera Cremonini
First measurements of the exclusive decays of the upsilon(5S) to B* meson B* bar meson pion pion final states and improved B*(s) meson mass measurements, Hongshan (Kevin) Zhang
Footprints of Statistical Anisotropies, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Haloes of k-Essence, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Eugene A. Lim
The BTeV RICH Front End Electronics, Marina Artuso
Weak Point Disorder in Strongly Fluctuating Flux-Line Liquids, Panayotis Benetatos and M. Cristina Marchetti
Crystalline Particle Packings on a Sphere with Long Range Power Law Potentials, Mark Bowick, Angelo Cacciuto, David R. Nelson, and Alex Travesset
Grain Boundary Scars on Spherical Crystals, Mark Bowick, Thomas Einert, Peter Lipowsky, Jorg Schilling, and Andreas R. Bausch
Direct Visualization of Dislocation Dynamics in Grain Boundary Scars, Mark Bowick, Peter Lipowsky, Jan H. Meinke, David R. Nelson, and Andreas R. Bausch
Supertubes, black strings and D-brane systems, Belkis Cabrera Palmer
Photo-Induced Current Measurements in Chlamydomonas Cell Suspensions, Collin D. Capano
Dirac-Kähler Fermions and Exact Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall
Lattice Formulation of {\cal N}=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory, Simon Catterall
Notes on (Twisted) Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall
The Clash of Symmetries in a Randall-Sundrum-like Spacetime, Gareth Dando, Aharon Davidson, Damien P. George, Raymond R. Volkas, and Kameshwar C. Wali
The accelerating universe and other cosmological aspects of modified gravity models, Antonio De Felice
Hole Drift-Mobility Measurements in Microcrystalline Silicon, T. Dylla, F. Finger, and Eric A. Schiff
Studies on Novel Semiconductor Detectors and Front-End Electronics for Heavy Flavor Decay Studies, Gustavo Kertzscher
A method for the study of anelasticity in fused silica, Scott Erich Kittelberger
Light-Soaking Effects on the Open-Circuit Voltage of a-Si:H Solar Cells, Jianjun Liang, Eric A. Schiff, S. Guha, Baojie Yan, and J. Yang
Temperature-Dependent Open-Circuit Voltage Measurements and Light-Soaking in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silcon Solar Cells, Jianjun Liang, Eric A. Schiff, S. Guha, Baojie Yan, and Jeff Yang
The Higgs Sector on a Two-Sheeted Space Time, Cosmin Macesanu and Kameshwar C. Wali
Exploring Optimization for the Random-Field Ising Model, Alan Middleton, D. Clay Hambrick, and Jan H. Meinke
Effects of Disorder on Electron Transport in Arrays of Quantum Dots, Alan Middleton and Shantenu Jha
Linking Physics and Algorithms in the Random-Field Ising Model, Alan Middleton and Jan H. Meinke
The Cleo Rich Detector, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, R. Ayad, and Konstantin Vladimirovich Bukin
Performance of a C4F8O Gas Radiator Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector Using Multi-anode Photomultiplier Tubes, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, Chaouki Boulahouache, and S. Blusk
Molecular Hydrogen Formation on Ice Under Interstellar Conditions, Hagai B. Perets, Gianfranco Vidali, Joe Roser, and Sol Swords
Flux Qubits and Readout Device with Two Independent Flux Lines, Britton Plourde and T. L. Robertson
Absolute branching fraction measurements and electron spectrum of inclusive charged and neutral D meson semileptonic decays, Radia Redjimi
Isobar Rescattering Model and Light Scalar Mesons, Joseph Schechter
Toy Model for Two Chiral Nonets, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, and Renata Jora
Fine Structure of Beta Decay Endpoint Spectrum, Joseph Schechter, Samina S. Masood, and Salah Nasri
Formation of Molecular Hydrogen on Analogues of Interstellar Dust Grains: Experiments and Modelling, Gianfranco Vidali and Joe Roser
Conducting Polymer and Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Hybrid Solar Cells, Evan L. Williams, Ghassan E. Jabbour, Qi Wang, Sean E. Shaheen, and Eric A. Schiff
Could Dark Energy be Vector-Like?, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Non-Adiabatic Perturbations from Single-Field Inflation, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Fixed-Connectivity Membranes, Mark Bowick
A Geometrical Approach to N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theory on the Two Dimensional Lattice, Simon Catterall
Lattice Supersymmetry Via Twisting, Simon Catterall
Simulations of Dynamically Triangulated Gravity -- an Algorithm for Arbitrary Dimension, Simon Catterall
Lattice Sigma Models with Exact Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall and Sofiane Ghadab
Entropy and the Approach to the Thermodynamic Limit in Three-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity, Simon Catterall, John B. Kogut, and R. Renken
Upper limit for electron-positron decaying to neutral Lambda(baryon)-antineutral Lamba(baryon) cross section and R in the center-of-mass energy range from 11.230 to 11.382 GeV, Orlokh Dorjkhaidav
Hole Drift-Mobility Measurements and Multiple-Trapping in Microcrystalline Silicon, T. Dylla, F. Finger, and Eric A. Schiff
A search for new physics at the TeV scale via a precise measurement of the weak mixing angle in Moller scattering, Waled S. Emam
Numerical studies of electron transport in disordered quantum dot arrays, Shantenu Jha
Explorations in fuzzy physics and non-commutative geometry, Seckin Kurkcuoglu
Bridging the Microscopic and the Hydrodynamic in Active Filament Solutions, Tanniemola B. Liverpool and M. Cristina Marchetti
Improved Extremal Optimization for the Ising Spin Glass, Alan Middleton
Photon spectroscopy of heavy quarkonia, Hajime Muramatsu
Decoherence in Josephson-Junction Qubits due to Critical Current Fluctuations, Britton Plourde and D. J. Van Harlingen
Laboratory simulations of chemical reactions on dust grains in the interstellar medium, Joseph E. Roser
Leptonic CP Violation in a Two Parameter Model, Joseph Schechter, Samina S. Masood, and Salah Nasri
Leptonic CP Violation Phases Using an Ansatz for the Neutrino Mass Matrix and Application to Leptogenesis, Joseph Schechter, Salah Nasri, and Sherif Moussa
Study of Leptonic CP Violation, Joseph Schechter, Salah Nasri, and Sherif Moussa
Drift-Mobility Measurements and Mobility Edges in Disordered Silicons, Eric A. Schiff
What are the Building Blocks of Our Universe?, Kameshwar C. Wali
Moduli Stabilization with the String Higgs Effect, Scott Watson
Stabilizing Moduli with String Cosmology, Scott Watson
UV Perturbations in Brane Gas Cosmology, Scott Watson
Effective Field Theory Approach to String Gas Cosmology, Scott Watson and Thorsten Battefeld
Role of light scalar resonances in strongly interacting chiral effective Lagrangians, Abdou M. Abdel-Rehim
Liberating the Inflaton from Primordial Spectrum Constraints, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Anisotropic Inflation and the Origin of Four Large Dimensions, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Vikram Duvvuri
Spinors, Inflation, and Non-Singular Cyclic Cosmologies, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Patrick B. Greene
Scale Invariance without Inflation?, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Eugene A. Lim
Vacuum Choices and the Predictions of Inflation, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Eugene A. Lim
Grain Boundary Scars and Spherical Crystallography, Mark Bowick and A. R. Bausch
The Shapes of Dirichlet Defects, Mark Bowick, Antonio De Felice, and Mark Trodden
Curvature-Induced Defect Unbinding in Toroidal Geometries, Mark Bowick, David R. Nelson, and Alex Travesset
The BaBar Mini, Duncan Brown
Search for eta(b) in the CLEO-II Upsilon(3S) and Upsilon(2S) data, Konstantin Vladimirovich Bukin
Exact Lattice Supersymmetry from Topological Field Theory, Simon Catterall