Critical Slowing Down of Cluster Algorithms for Ising Models Coupled to 2-d Gravity, Mark Bowick, Marco Falcioni, Geoffrey Harris, and Enzo Marinari
Radial Excited States for Heavy Quark Systems in NRQCD, Simon Catterall, F. R. Devlin, I. T. Drummond, and R. R. Hogan
The XY Model on a Dynamical Random Lattice, Simon Catterall, John B. Kogut, and Ray L. Renken
Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to Gauge Fields, Simon Catterall, Ray L. Renken, and John B. Kogut
The recovery of locality for causal sets and related topics, Alan Ronald Daughton
Correlation of electronic structure and ferromagnetism at rare earth metal surfaces, Dongqi Li
Avalanches and the Renormalization Group for Pinned Charge-Density Waves, Alan Middleton and Onuttom Narayan
Heavy Quark Solitons, Joseph Schechter, Kumar S. Gupta, M. Arshad Momen, and A. Subbaraman
Resonant and Non-Resonant Pieces of the D\rightarrow \bar{K}π Semileptonic Transition Amplitude, Joseph Schechter, A. Subbaraman, and S. Surya
Accessible passively stored highly spin-polarized deuterium in solid hydrogen deuterium, with application to inertially confined fusion, Neil Brooks Alexander
Multicriticality, Scaling Operators and mKdV Flows for the Symmetric Unitary One Matrix Models, Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos and Mark Bowick
Unitary One Matrix Models: String Equation and Flows, Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos and Mark Bowick
The Cosmological Kibble Mechanism in the Laboratory: String Formation in Liquid Crystals, Mark Bowick, L. Chandar, Eric A. Schiff, and Ajit M. Srivastava
Non-Relativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Systems, Simon Catterall, F. R. Devlin, I. T. Drummond, R. R. Horgan, and A. D. Simpson
Numerical Study of c>1 Matter Coupled to Quantum Gravity, Simon Catterall, John B. Kogut, and Ray L. Renken
Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to Ising Matter, Simon Catterall, Ray L. Renken, and John B. Kogut
Empirical Relations Between Static and Dynamic Exponents for Ising Model Cluster Algorithms, Paul D. Coddington and Clive F. Baillie
Chern-Simons term: Theory and applications, Kumar S. Gupta
Novel methods for fabricating magnetic thin films and heterostructures, Yoon-Gi Kim
Modification of the Magnetic Flux-Line Interaction at a Superconductor's Surface, M. Cristina Marchetti
Translational Correlations in the Vortex Array at the Surface of a Type-II Superconductor, M. Cristina Marchetti and David R. Nelson
Translational Correlations in the Vortex Array at the Surface of a Type-II Superconductor, M. Cristina Marchetti and David R. Nelson
Thermal Rounding of the Charge Density Wave Depinning Transition, Alan Middleton
Self Organization and a Dynamical Transition in Traffic Flow Models, Alan Middleton, Ofer Biham, and Dov Levine
Critical Behavior of Charge Density Waves Below Threshold: Numerical and Scaling Analysis, Alan Middleton and Daniel S. Fisher
Symmetry Breaking in a Generalized Skyrme Model, Joseph Schechter
Role of Light Vector Mesons in the Heavy Particle Chiral Lagrangian, Joseph Schechter and A. Subbaraman
Effective Hadron Dynamics: From Meson Masses to the Proton Spin Puzzle, Joseph Schechter, A Subbaraman, and H. Weigel
An Algebraic Approach to the Quantization of Cosntrained Systems: Finite Dimensional Examples, Ranjeet S. Tate
An Operator Formalism for Unitary Matrix Models, Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos, Mark Bowick, and N. Ishibashi
The Solution Space of the Unitary Matrix Model String Equation and the Sato Grassmannian, Konstantinos N. Anagnostopoulos, Mark Bowick, and Albert Schwarz
Exotic statistics, Charilaos Nikolaos Aneziris
Aspects of the antisymmetric tensor field, Amitabha Lahiri
Carbon monoxide adsorption and oxidation on ultrathin copper covered epitaxial palladium(111) surfaces, Baybers Oral
Eta' to Eta Pi Pi Decay as a Probe of a Possible Lowest-Lying Scalar Nonet, Joseph Schechter and Amir H. Fariborz
Chiral Phase Transition for SU(N) Gauge Theories via an Effective Lagrangian Approach, Joseph Schechter and Francesco Sannino
Space-time as a causal set, Luca Bombelli
Adsorption Studies of Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide on Oriented Platinum and Epitaxial Palladium Films, Pankaj Dixit
Quantum Aspects of Topological Solitons, Vincent Gerald Joseph Rodgers
Monopoles And Solitons In Particle Physics, Velayudhan Parameswaran Nair
Anomalous hall effect and oscillatory photoconductivity in p-type mercury cadmium-telluride, Kevin James Riley
Selected Topics In High-Energy Particle Physics, Cassio Sigaud Filho
Problems In Null-Plane Quantum Electrodynamics, James Harold Ten Eyck Jr.
Quantum Electrodynamics In A Laser Pulse, Robert Andrew Neville
Representations of Some Non-Compact Groups and Applications of Non Invariance Groups to Particle Physics, Jacob George Kuriyan
Dynamical Models and Symmetry Groups in Particle Physics, Renato Musto
Search For Delayed Neutrons From Nuclear Interactions Due To Cosmic Rays, Irving Nadelhaft