Lattice Supersymmetry and Topological Field Theory, Simon Catterall
A Lattice Study of the Two-Dimensional Wess Zumino Model, Simon Catterall and Sergey Karamov
Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells, Xunming Deng and Eric A. Schiff
Hole Drift-Mobility Measurements in Contemporary Amorphous Silicon, S. Dinca, Eric A. Schiff, V. Vlahos, C. R. Wronski, and Q. Yuan
Supersymmetric theories on the lattice, Sergey Alexandrovich Karamov
Driven Depinning of Strongly Disordered Media and Anisotropic Mean-field Limits, Alan Middleton, M. Cristina Marchetti, Karl Saunders, and J. M. Schwarz
Mean Field Theory of Collective Transport with Phase Slips, Alan Middleton, Karl Saunders, J. M. Schwarz, and M. Cristina Marchetti
Percolation of Satisfiability in Finite Dimensions, Alan Middleton and J. M. Schwarz
Collective Transport in Arrays of Quantum Dots, Alan Middleton and Ned S. Wingreen
Neutrinos in particle physics and cosmology, Salah Nasri
Domain Wall Solutions with Abelian Gauge Fields, J. S. Rozowsky, R. R. Volkas, and K. C. Wali
The Scalar Sector and the Eta -> 3 Pi Problem, Joseph Schechter, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz
Comparing the Higgs Sector of Electroweak Theory with the Scalar Sector of Low Energy QCD, Joseph Schechter, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Deirdre Black, Amir H. Fariborz, and Salah Nasri
Radiative Decays Involving a0(980) and f0(980) in the Vector Meson Dominance Model, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Masayasu Harada
Study of Scalar Mesons and Related Radiative Decays, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Masayasu Harada
Large Nc and Chiral Dynamics, Joseph Schechter, Masayasu Harada, and Francesco Sannino
Low-Mobility Solar Cells: a Device Physics Primer with Application to Amorphous Silicon, Eric A. Schiff
A measurement of parity-violating asymmetry with polarized electrons scattered from protons and implications for strange form factors, Baris Tamer Tonguc
Linear Perturbations in Brane Gas Cosmology, Scott Watson and Robert H. Brandenberger
Stabilization of Extra Dimensions at Tree Level, Scott Watson and Robert H. Brandenberger
On the Initial Conditions for Brane Inflation, Scott Watson, Robert H. Brandenberger, and G. Geshnizjani
First observation of the parity violating asymmetry in Moller scattering, Imran Younus
Interface modulation spectroscopy and doping physics in amorphous silicon, Kai Zhu
Bandtail Limits to Solar Conversion Efficiencies in Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells, Kai Zhu, Weining Wang, Eric A. Schiff, Jianjun Liang, and S. Guha
Predictions and Observations in Theories with Varying Couplings, Christian Armendariz-Picon
Lepton energy moments, operator product expansion and the CKM parameter matrix element, V(cb), Chaouki Boulahouache
Crystalline Order on a Sphere and the Generalized Thomson Problem, Mark Bowick, Angelo Cacciuto, David R. Nelson, and A. Travesset
Statistical mechanics of self-avoiding crystalline membranes and topological defect formation, Angelo Cacciuto
Stripes from (Noncommutative) Stars, Simon Catterall and J. Ambjorn
Exact Lattice Supersymmetry: the Two-Dimensional N=2 Wess-Zumino Model, Simon Catterall and Sergey Karamov
Clash of Symmetries on the Brane, Aharon Davidson, B. F. Toner, R. R. Volkas, and K. C. Wali
Thermal noise in low loss flexures, Andri Marcus Gretarsson
Hysteresis in Driven Disordered Systems: From Plastic Depinning to Magnets, M. Cristina Marchetti and Karin A. Dahmen
Scaling, Domains, and States in the Four-Dimensional Random Field Ising Magnet, Alan Middleton
Development of a Hybrid Photo-Diode and its Front-End Electronics for the BTEV Experiment, Raymond Mountain
Construction, Pattern Recognition and Performance of the CLEO III LiF-TEA RICH Detector, Raymond Mountain, R. Ayad, Konstantin Vladimirovich Bukin, and A. Efimov
Precision Measurement of Energy and Position Resolutions of the BTeV Electromagnetic Calorimeter Prototype, Raymond Mountain, K. Khroustalev, V.A. Batarin, and T. Brennan
Optical switching and memory using tungsten oxide, Joseph Michael Osman
Photocarrier Drift Mobility Measurements and Electron Localization in Nanoporous Silicon, P. N. Rao, Eric A. Schiff, L. Tsybeskov, and P. Fauchet
Effects of Light Scalar Mesons in η\to 3π Decay, Joseph Schechter, Abdou Abdel-Rehim, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz
Vector Meson Dominance Model for Radiative Decays Involving Light Scalar Mesons, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Masayasu Harada
Thermionic Emission Model for Interface Effects on the Open-Circuit Voltage of Amorphous Silicon Based Solar Cells, Eric A. Schiff
Isotropization in Brane Gas Cosmology, Scott Watson and Robert H. Brandenberger
Infrared Charge-Modulation Spectroscopy of Defects in Phosphorus Doped Amorphous Silicon, Kai Zhu, Eric A. Schiff, and G. Ganguly
Determining the Locus for Photocarrier Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Kai Zhu, Eric A. Schiff, N. G. Park, J. van de Lagemaat, and A. J. Frank
Measuring the Speed of Sound of Quintessence, Christian Armendariz-Picon, Joel K. Erickson, R. R. Caldwell, Paul J. Steinhardt, and V. Mukhanov
Fuzzy physics, Ydri Ben Saad Badis
Exploration of the existence and implications of a light scalar meson nonet using effective chiral Lagrangian models, Deirdre Margaret Black
Universal Negative Poisson Ratio of Self Avoiding Fixed Connectivity Membranes, Mark Bowick, Angelo Cacciuto, G. Thorleifsson, and A. Travesset
Universality Classes of Self-Avoiding Fixed-Connectivity Membranes, Mark Bowick, Angelo Cacciuto, Gudmar Thorleifsson, and Alex Travesset
The Formation of Vortex Loops (Strings) in Continuous Phase Transitions, Mark Bowick, Angelo Cacciuto, and Alex Travesset
The Geometrical Structure of 2d Bond-Orientational Order, Mark Bowick and Alex Travesset
A Two-Dimensional Lattice Model with Exact Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall and S. Karamov
Testing a Fourier Accelerated Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm, Simon Catterall and Sergey Karamov
The Ising Model on a Dynamically Triangulated Disk with a Boundary Magnetic Field, Simon Catterall, Scott V. McGuire, Mark Bowick, and Simeon Warner
Numerical studies of vortex dynamics in type-II superconductors, Michael Chance Faleski
Critical behavior of spin models on fluctuating bounded geometries, Scott V. McGuire
The Three-Dimensional Random Field Ising Magnet: Interfaces, Scaling, and the Nature of States, Alan Middleton and Daniel S. Fisher
Dynamics of causal sets, David Porter Rideout
Introduction to Effective Lagrangians for QCD, Joseph Schechter
Complementary Ansatz for the Neutrino Mass Matrix, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, Amir H. Fariborz, and Salah Nasri
Remark on Pion Scattering Lengths, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Nae Woong Park
Investigating the Light Scalar Mesons, Joseph Schechter, D. Black, Amir H. Fariborz, Salah Moussa, and S. Nasri
Anomaly Induced QCD Potential and Quark Decoupling, Joseph Schechter, Stephen D.H. Hsu, and Francesco Sannino
Doubly Perturbed S_3 Neutrinos and the s_{13} Mixing Parameter, Joseph Schechter, Renata Jora, and M. Naeem Shahid
A Dynamical Solution to the Problem of a Small Cosmological Constant and Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration, Christian Armendariz-Picon, V. Mukhanov, and Paul J. Steinhardt
Essentials of k-Essence, Christian Armendariz-Picon, V. Mukhanov, and Paul J. Steinhardt
Topics on vortex matter in type-II superconductors, Panayotis Benetatos
The Statistical Mechanics of Membranes, Mark Bowick and Alex Travesset
An Improved Limit on the Rate of the Decay K^+ -> pi^+ mu^+ e^-, Duncan Brown and R. Appel
A Lattice Path Integral for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, Simon Catterall and Eric B. Gregory
Phase Diagram of Four-Dimensional Dynamical Triangulations with a Boundary, Simon Catterall and Simeon Warner
Phase Diagram of Three-Dimensional Dynamical Triangulations with a Boundary, Simon Catterall, Simeon Warner, and Ray Renken
A measurement of the strange quark content of the proton, William Edward Kahl
Driven Vortices in Confined Geometry: the Corbino Disk, M. Cristina Marchetti
Energetics and Geometry of Excitations in Random Systems, Alan Middleton
Viscoelastic Depinning of Driven Systems: Mean-Field Plastic Scallops, Alan Middleton, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Thomas Prellberg
The Cleo III Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, R. Ayad, and A. Efimov
Exploring the Structure of a Possible Light Scalar Nonet, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz
Unitarized Pseudoscalar Meson Scattering Amplitudes in Three Flavor Linear Sigma Models, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, Amir H. Fariborz, Sherif Moussa, and Salah Nasri
Measurement of the production ratio of charged and neutral B mesons at the upsilon(4S) resonance, Silvia M. Schuh
A Historical Perspective on Cancer, Rafael D, Sorkin
Internal friction of fused silica and gravitational-wave detection, William James Startin
Master Equation for Hydrogen Recombination on Grain Surfaces, Gianfranco Vidali, Ofer Biham, Itay Furman, and Valerio Pirronello
k-Inflation, Christian Armendariz-Picon, T. Damour, and V. Mukhanov
Interacting Topological Defects on Frozen Topographies, Mark Bowick, David R. Nelson, and Alex Travesset
Reconstructing the Conformal Mode in Simplicial Gravity, Simon Catterall and Emil Mottola
The Conformal Mode in 2D Simplicial Gravity, Simon Catterall and Emil Mottola
Monte Carlo studies of field theory and quantum gravity, Eric B. Gregory
Viscoelastic Depinning of Driven Systems: Mean-Field Plastic Scallops, M. Cristina Marchetti, Alan Middleton, and Thomas Prellberg
Application of combinatorial optimization algorithms in the study of elastic interfaces, David McNamara
Computational Complexity of Determining the Barriers to Interface Motion in Random Systems, Alan Middleton
Numerical Investigation of the Thermodynamic Limit for Ground States in Models with Quenched Disorder, Alan Middleton
Performance of the CLEO III LiF-TEA Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector in a High Energy Muon Beam, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, R. Ayad, and F. Azfar
The CLEO-III Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, R. Ayad, and F. Azfar
The CLEO-III RICH Detector and Beam Test Results, Raymond Mountain, J.C. Wang, Marina Artuso, and R. Ayad
Transport in disordered silicon materials, Rao Prasanna Nagaraj
Chiral Lagrangian Treatment of Pi Eta Scattering, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz
Light Scalar Mesons, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz
Mechanism for a Next-to-Lowest Lying Scalar Meson Nonet, Joseph Schechter, Deirdre Black, and Amir H. Fariborz