Paraboloidal Crystals, Mark Bowick and Luca Giomi
Crystalline Order on Catenoidal Capillary Bridges, Mark Bowick and Zhenwei Yao
Crystalline Order on Catenoidal Capillary Bridges, Mark Bowick and Zhenwei Yao
A Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with the August 2006 Timing Glitch of the Vela Pulsar, Duncan Brown and J. Abadie
Calibration of the LIGO Gravitational Wave Detectors in the Fifth Science Run, Duncan Brown and J. Abadie
First Search for Gravitational Waves from the Youngest Known Neutron Star, Duncan Brown and J. Abadie
Methods for Reducing False Alarms in Searches for Compact Binary Coalescences in LIGO Data, Duncan Brown and J. Slutsky
Supersymmetric Lattices, Simon Catterall
Three Dimensional Lattice Gravity as Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory, Simon Catterall
Topological Gravity on the Lattice, Simon Catterall
Twisted Lattice Supersymmetry and Applications to AdS/CFT, Simon Catterall
First Results from Lattice Simulation of the PWMM, Simon Catterall and Greg Van Anders
MCRG Minimal Walking Technicolor, Simon Catterall, Luigi Del Debbio, Joel Giedt, and Liam Keegan
Realization of Center Symmetry in Two Adjoint Flavor Large-N Yang-Mills, Simon Catterall, Richard Galvez, and Mithat Unsal
Gauge Theory Duals of Black Hole - Black String Transitions of Gravitational Theories on a Circle, Simon Catterall, Anosh Joseph, and Toby Wiseman
Thermal Phases of D1-Branes on a Circle from Lattice Super Yang-Mills, Simon Catterall, Anosh Joseph, and Toby Wiseman
Discreteness and the Transmission of Light from Distant Sources, Fay Dowker, Joe Henson, and Rafael Sorkin
Light Scalar Puzzle in QCD, Amir H. Fariborz, Renata Jora, and Joseph Schechter
Sheared Active Fluids: Thickening, Thinning and Vanishing Viscosity, Luca Giomi, Tanniemola B. Liverpool, and M. Cristina Marchetti
Exploration of in-vivo phase-contrast micro-computed tomography with a laser plasma-based x-ray source, Russell Edward Kincaid Jr.
Non-invasive breast biopsy method using GD-DTPA contrast enhanced MRI series and F-18-FDG PET/CT dynamic image series, Alphonso William Magri
Chaos and Universality in Two-Dimensional Ising Spin Glasses, Alan Middleton, Creighton K. Thomas, and David A. Huse
Fluctuations and Pattern Formation in Self-Propelled Particles, Shradha Mishra, Aparna Baskaran, and M. Cristina Marchetti
Measurement of sigma(pp -> b anti-b X) at \sqrt(s)=7 TeV in the Forward Region, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Alessandra Borgia
Measurement of σ(pp -> bb-X) at √s=7 TeV in the Forward Region, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Alessandra Borgia
Prompt K0S Production in pp Collisions at √s=0.9 TeV, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Alessandra Borgia
Prompt K_short Production in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=0.9 TeV, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Alessandra Borgia
Roadmap for Selected Key Measurements of LHCb, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Alessandra Borgia
Model-Independent Determination of the Strong-Phase Difference Between D^0 and D^0-bar-> K^0_S,L h^+ h^- (h=pi,K) and its Impact on the Measurement of the CKM angle gamma/phi_3, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and N. Horwitz
Model-Independent Determination of the Strong-Phase Difference Between D0 and D0 → K0S,L h+h- (h=π,K) and its Impact on the Measurement of the CKM angle γ/φ3, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and N. Horwitz
Analysis of D+ → K-π+ e+ νe and D+ → K- π+ μ+ νμ Semileptonic Decays, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Sadia Khalil
Analysis of D+ to K- pi+ e+ nu_e and D+ to K- pi+ mu+ nu_mu Semileptonic Decays, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and Sadia Khalil
Branching Fractions for chi_cJ -> p p-bar pi^0, p p-bar eta, and p p-bar omega, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and R. Mountain
Branching Fractions for ΧcJ → ppπ0, ppη, and ppω, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
Search for Rare and Forbidden Decays of Charm and Charmed-Strange Mesons to Final States h^+- e^-+ e^+, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
Search for Rare and Forbidden Decays of Charm and Charmed-Strange Mesons to Final States h+- e-+ e+, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
Study of psi(2S) Decays to gamma p bar{p}, pi^0 p bar{p} and eta p bar{p} and Search for p bar{p} Threshold Enhancements, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
Study of Ψ(2S) Decays to γpp, π0pp and η pp and Search for pp Threshold Enhancements, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
Upsilon(1S)->Gamma+f2'(1525); f2'(1525)->K0sK0s Decays, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, S. Blusk, and T. Skwarnicki
ϒ(1S)→γf'2(1525); f'2(1525)->K0sK0s Decays, Raymond Mountain, Marina Artuso, T. Skwarnicki, and S. Stone
Microstrip Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Amplifiers with Submicron Josephson Junctions: Enhanced Gain at Gigahertz Frequencies, Britton Plourde, M. P. DeFeo, P. Bhupathi, Kang Yu, and T. W. Heitmann
Vortex Dynamics in Superconducting Channels with Periodic Constrictions, Britton Plourde, Kang Yu, M.B.S. Hesselberth, and P. H. Kes
Coherent Heteroepitaxy of Bi2Se3 on GaAs (111)B, Anthony Richardella, Duming M. Zhang, Joon S. Lee, Alison E. Patteson (Koser), David W. Rench, Andrew L. Yeats, Bob B. Buckley, David D. Awschalom, and Nitin Samarth
Nonperturbative Results for Yang-Mills Theories, Francesco Sannino and Joseph Schechter
Light Scalar Puzzle in QCD, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, and Renata Jora
Nonperturbative Results for Yang-Mills Theories, Joseph Schechter and Francesco Sannino
Plasmonic Light-trapping and Quantum Efficiency Measurements on Nanocrystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Silicon-On-Insulator Devices, Eric A. Schiff, Hui Zhao, Birol Ozturk, Baojie Yan, and Jeff Yang
Kaluza-Klein Theory with Torsion Confined to the Extra-Dimension, Karthik H. Shankar and Kameshwar C. Wali
Logic is to the Quantum as Geometry is to Gravity, Rafael D. Sorkin
To What Type of Logic Does the "Tetralemma" Belong?, Rafael D. Sorkin
S-waves and the Extraction of Beta_s, Sheldon Stone
Interaction of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen with Tholin Surfaces at Low Temperatures, Gianfranco Vidali, Ling Li, and Hui Zhao
A Unified Approach to Cosmic Acceleration, Scott Watson, Minjoon Park, and Kathryn M. Zurek
Vortex dynamics in nanostructured superconducting weak-pinning channels, Kang Yu
Vortex Dynamics in Superconducting Channels with Periodic Constrictions, Kang Yu, M.B.S. Hesselberth, P. H. Kes, and B.L.T. Plourde
Dislocations in a vortex lattice and complexity of chlamydomonas ciliary beating, Sitichoke Amnuanpol
Aether Unleashed, Christian Armendariz-Picon and Alberto Diez-Tejedor
Feasibility of Measuring the Shapiro Time Delay over Meter-Scale Distances, Stefan Ballmer, S. Marka, and P. Shawhan
Two-Dimensional Matter: Order, Curvature and Defects, Mark Bowick and Luca Giomi
Smectic Polymer Vesicles, Mark Bowick, Lin Jia, and Xiangjun Xing
Anti-de Sitter Space from Supersymmetric Gauge Theory, Simon Catterall
First Results from Simulations of Supersymmetric Lattices, Simon Catterall
Supersymmetric Lattices - a Brief Introduction, Simon Catterall
Supersymmetric Lattices - A Brief Introduction, Simon Catterall
Probes of Nearly Conformal Behavior in Lattice Simulations of Minimal Walking Technicolor, Simon Catterall, Joel Giedt, Francesco Sannino, and Joe Schneible
Exact Lattice Supersymmetry, Simon Catterall, David B. Kaplan, and Mithat Unsal
Extracting Black Hole Physics from the Lattice, Simon Catterall and Toby Wiseman
Hole Drift Mobility Measurements on a-Si:H using Surface and Uniformly Absorbed Illumination, Steluta A. Dinca, Eric A. Schiff, S. Guha, Baojie Yan, and Jeff Yang
Measuring Dose to Small Animals in Micro-CT, Avi Hameroff
Spiral Patterns in Liquid Crystals, Gavin Hartnett
Biophysical applications of parallel cascade identification, Taviare L. Hawkins
Simulation of the Zero Temperature Behavior of a 3-Dimensional Elastic Medium, Alan Middleton, David McNamara, and Chen Zeng
Exact Algorithm for Sampling the 2D Ising Spin Glass, Alan Middleton and Creighton K. Thomas
Solvent-Washable Polymer Templated Synthesis of Mesoporous Materials and Solic-Acid Nanocatalysts in One-Pot, Richard E. Mishler II, Ankush V. Biradar, Cole T. Duncan, Eric A. Schiff, and Tewodros Asefa
Reducing Microwave Loss in Superconducting Resonators due to Trapped Vortices, Britton Plourde, C. Song, M. P. DeFeo, and Kang Yu
Microwave Response of Vortices in Superconducting Thin Films of Re and Al, Britton Plourde, C. Song, T. W. Heitmann, M. P. DeFeo, and Kang Yu
Global Aspects of the Scalar Meson Puzzle, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, and Renata Jora
Gauged Linear Sigma Model and Pion-Pion Scattering, Joseph Schechter, Amir H. Fariborz, Nae Woong Park, and M. Naeem Shahid
Perturbed S3 Neutrinos, Joseph Schechter, Renata Jora, and M. Naeem Shahid
The Hunt for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider, Joseph Schechter and Pran Nath
Carrier Drift-Mobilities and Solar Cell Models for Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Silicon, Eric A. Schiff
Transit Time Measurements of Charge Carriers in Disordered Silicons: Amorphous, Nanocrystalline, and Nanoporous, Eric A. Schiff
Beyond Standard Model physics on the lattice, Joseph Schneible
ArgoNeuT: A Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Test in the NuMI Beamline, Mitchell Soderberg
Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chambers in the U.S, Mitchell Soderberg
MicroBooNE: A New Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Experiment, Mitchell Soderberg
A Regenerable Filter for Liquid Argon Purification, Mitchell Soderberg and A. Curioni
Is the Spacetime Metric Euclidean Rather than Lorentzian?, Rafael D. Sorkin
Optimization and exact sampling algorithms for simulations of glassy materials, Creighton Kays Thomas
Observing the Evolution of the Universe, Scott Watson
Reevaluating the Cosmological Origin of Dark Matter, Scott Watson
A Non-Thermal WIMP Miracle, Scott Watson, Bobby Samir Acharya, Gordon Kane, and Piyush Kumar
CMBPol Mission Concept Study: Probing Inflation with CMB Polarization, Scott Watson, Daniel Baumann, Mark G. Jackson, and Peter Adshead
PAMELA Satellite Data as a Signal of Non-Thermal Wino LSP Dark Matter, Scott Watson, Gordon Kane, and Ran Lu
Nematic and Polar Order in Active Filament Solutions, A. Ahmadi, Tanniemola B. Liverpool, and M. Cristina Marchetti
Hydrodynamics and rheology of mixtures of biopolymers and molecular motors, Aphrodite Ahmadi
Hydrodynamics of Isotropic and Liquid Crystalline Active Polymer Solutions, Aphrodite Ahmadi, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Tanniemola B. Liverpool
Where does Cosmological Perturbation Theory Break Down?, Christian Armendariz-Picon, Michele Fontanini, Riccardo Penco, and Mark Trodden