Cellular Tracking Mechanisms in Zebrafish, Jonah Da Silva
Unveilin Silent Seizures: EEG Analysis in System xc- Null Mice, Diana Erenburg
An analysis of 'effort' and psychopathology in children: Imputation of brain-region-specific gene-expression levels with BrainGENE, Thomas Mitchell Mazza
Investigating the Interaction Between ITKSH2 and SLP76pY145, Madeline Pietrowski
The Garden of HeLa Cells: Bridging Biomedical Advancements, Unveiling Racial Disparities, and Confronting Ethical Frontiers, Jacqueline Rim
Stimulation of Piezo1 induces astrocyte dysfunction and matrix stiffening under glaucomatous conditions, Katarina Sako
The Effects of Exercise on Cyclooxygenase-2 and the Seizure Threshold, Madison Wallace
Investigating Major Sperm Protein Expression in a C. elegans Poly(U) Polymerase Mutant, Galina Yakubovich
Effects of Hydrologic Connectivity and Species Difference on Riparian Popular Growth, Ryan Brinton
Norepinephrine-induced Increases in Lactate Production by Hippocampal Astrocytes are Stable During Aging, Monica Ciaffi
FTD-Linked CYLD Mutation in Neuronal Autophagy and Synapse Remodeling, Courtney Conte
Investigating in utero Vitamin D Supplementation to Reduce Early Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes in Mouse Models of Rett Syndrome, Abigail Johnson
Switchgrass as a Biofuel: Impacts by Cultivar and Soil Inoculum, Claire Bandet
Developing Mechanisms to Deplete Cenexin In Vivo with CRISPR-Cas13d, Denise Magny
Melodic Memories: Music therapy as an Accessible Intervention for Alzheimer's Disease, Michaela Martin
Investigating Reln R2457C mutation in comparison other reelin variants and its relationship to Autism Spectrum Disorder risk factors, Seth Martin Jr.
Determining Cause of Death with Machine Learning: Automatic Analysis of Verbal Autopsies and Interpretability of Results, Cheyene Muenzel
Clinical and Molecular Characterization of the Effects of Pantothenate Kinase 2 Mutations in a Dominican Population Isolate, Ifeyinwa Ojukwu
The Role od DAF-12/ NHR in Regulating C. elegans Environment Sensing through osm-9/TRPV, Mary Ross
Nutrition and Personalized Medicine for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder, Alexandra Nicole Santiago Molina
Investigating the Role of hmx3a in Danio rerio dl2 Spinal Interneuron Specification and Ear Development, Yasmine Chahine
Engineering Viral Proteins for Use as Immune Response Suppressors, Katherine Winebrake
Characterization of Seizure Threshold in System xc- Astrocyte-Conditional Null Mice, Myles Morgan
On the Interior Design of Healthcare Environments, Liam Owens
Sexually Dimorphic Alterations in Brain Morphology of Astrocyte Conditional System xc- Knockout Mice, Gabrielle Emily Samulewicz
Effects of Estradiol Headwater Stream Behavior in the Northeastern U.S. Vary Throughout Time and Space, Rebekah Schwartz
An Exploration of Ruthenium Catalyzed Alder-ene Reactions, Emily Bonner
Modification of calmodulin EF Hands for Rare Earth Metal Selectivity, Alaine Gigon
Modification of Calmodulin EF Hands for Rare Earth Metal Selectivity, Alaine Gigon
Protein Engineering For Biomedical Applications, Claudia Heritage
Investigation of the role of MeCP2 in the precise laminar and areal development of neocortical neurons in a Rett Syndrome mouse model, Camerin Ortiz
Investigation of the role of MeCP2 in the precise laminar and areal development of neocortical neurons in a Rett Syndrome mouse model, Camerin Ortiz
Determining Therapeutic Efficacy of Low-frequency Ultrasound in Targeting In-Vitro Human Attached Cell Lines with Adjuvant Chemotherapy, Charles Schauer
Determining Theraputic Efficacy of Low-frequency Ultrasound in Targeting In-Vitro Human Attached Cell Lines with Adjuvaant Chemotherapy, Charles Schauer
Regulation of olfactory behavior by RNAi pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans, Emma Walen
Regulation of olfactory behavior by RNAi pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans, Emma Walen
Modeling Stutter and Pull-up Using the GlobalFiler Human DNA Amplification Kit in Forensic DNA Analysis, Angie Zhao
The Effects of Insulin Signaling on Follicle Development and Activation, Ali Abdullah
Analysis of Enzyme Activity Levels in Unfertilized, Fertilized, and Parthenogenetically Activated Sea Urchin Eggs, Patrick Castle
Analysis of Enzyme Activity Levels in Unfertilized, Fertilized, and Parthenogenically Activated Sea Urchin Eggs, Patrick Castle
Influence of Running on the Seizure Threshold, Kylie Kerker
Female Preference for Male Calls Produced at Higher Temperatures in Metrioptera roeselii (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), Alexandra Logan
Decreased Brood-Size of Starvation-Induced Postdauer Adults is Inherited Transgenerationally via HRDE-1, Ibnul Rafi
Design of mononuclear nonheme enzyme for oxygen activation, Joel John Rempillo
Characterizing Pitx2 Tooth Morphology and Candidate Genes of Axenfeld- Rieger Syndrome in Zebrafish, Anthe Stylianou
Seasonal Leaf Structure and Function Tradeoffs in Native and Invasive Shrubs, Lauren Woolhiser
Characterization of Newly Created Mitochondrial Genes Affecting Drosophila melanogaster Sperm Phenotypes through Genetic Manipulation, Makayla Dearborn
Male-biased retrogenes in Drosophila melanogaster: integration of novel genes into pathways governing sperm development, Katherine Eng
Development of a Spermatogenesis Specific Gene Driver Using the UAS-GAL4 System, Jake Figaniak
Divergent allocation strategies between annuals and perennials in the field, Genevieve Pilch
Dynamic Protein Movement Involved in Photoreceptors, Daisy Spoer
The Effects of Large Herbivores on Soil Organic Matter Quality in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Adrian Alvarez
The Role of Intermediate Filament Proteins in Retinal Degeneration and Regeneration, Alexandria Aruck
Structure-Guided Site-Directed Mutagenesis of the Bacterial ATP Synthase’s Epsilon Subunit, Mariam Bhatti
Estrogens Regulate Metabolic Substrate Concentrations in Brains of Young Adult Female Rats: A Multiple Memory Systems Approach, Ella D'Amico
Lactate as a Memory-Enhancing Metabolite Across the Lifespan in Male Fischer 344 Rats, Brooke Hamling
Understanding the role of sog-4 and sog-6 in the GLP-1/ NOTCH Signaling Pathway, Micheline Laing
Improving the Nutrient Content of Agriculture Crops Through Community Ecology, Margo Malone
Defining the Pathway for Misfolded Protein Degradation in Retinitis Pigmentosa Caused by the Rhodopsin-P23H Mutation, Eric Merrell
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Pathogen Defense: The Role of JMJ3 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Nelson Trysler
Estrodial effects on age-related shifts in learning and memory: A multiple memory systems approach, Luis Castelan
The Use of Shape Memory Polymers as a Tool to Study Human Fibrosarcoma and Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration, Justin N. Elkhechen
Maternal Obesity and Incidence of Depression, Caroline A. Habjan
Exercise-Induced Adult Neruogenesis and the Seizure Threshold: the Role of COX-2, Gina Kim
The Incidence of Chagas Coinfections Amongst Acute Dengue Patients in Machala, Ecuador, Elizabeth A. McMahon
Overexpression and gene profiling of asparagine synthetase in hybrid poplar, Kristopher Murray
Differential Activation of Microglia in an in vitro Model of Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Bhakti Patel
Characterization of Ghrelin O-acyltransferase Active Site, Leslie Patton
Defining the Role of Erlin2, an ER Membrane Protein of the Erlin1/2 Complex That Mediates Ubiquitination of the Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor (IP3R1), Natalie Rebeyev
Cell Kinase Inhibitor Panel Reveals Multiple Targets to Prevent Replication of Varicella-Zoster Virus, Bryan Egan Bunnell
Bidirectional Influence of Epinephrine on Hippocampal LTP via β-Adrenergic Receptors, Georgia Christine Buscaglia
Progesterone Signaling in Mouse Oocyte Development via the PGRMC1 and PGRMC2 Receptors and the PAIRBP1 Protein, Amanda M. Catchings
Molecular Mechanisms for Regulating the Assembly of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia-1 (MLL1) Core Complex, Michael Hu
Synthesis and Characterization of Co(II) and Cu(II) Pyrophosphate Coordination Complexes for Treatment of Pathogenic Agents., Leann Jade Miles
Human Surfactant Protein B Expression in Humanized Transgenic Mice, Mark C. Schoenborn
The Promise of Sonodynamic Therapy: Using Ultrasonic Irradiation and Chemotherapeutic Agents as a Treatment Modality, Matthew Trendowski
Analysis of Arp 2/3Complex Dependent Actin Assembly in Live Fission Yeast Cells, Hannah Bellinger
The Use of p53-Derived Stapled Peptides as Affinity Isolation Reagents, Kathryn Margaret Headley
Characterization of DAP2 (DEFENSE-‐ASSOCIATED ASPARTIC PROTEASE-‐2) in Arabidopsis thaliana and determining its role in plant defense responses, Kemardo Kitaro Henry
Vitamin B12-Based Bioconjugate Probes for in Vitro and in Vivo Imaging, Anna Kahkoska
Investigation of SIN-3 Histone Deacetylase Complex in Caenorhabditis elegans, Maria Kontos
Developing an Experimental System for Studying Early Events in Speciation in Drosophila, Maria Poplawska
Investigation of ghrelin acylation by ghrelin O-acyltransferase, Edward P. Prybolsky
Metal-Citrate Transport in the Gram-Positive Bacterium Kineococcus radiotolerans, Eleanor Robertson
The Role of Cell Adhesion Molecules in Cyst Breakdown and Follicle Formation in the Mouse Neonatal Ovary, Dana Senderoff
Development of Protein Farnesyltransferase Variants with Altered Substrate Selectivity, Susan Zhang
Design of Metalloproteins for Catalysis and Bioimaging, Krystyna Zhezherya
Investigating the Roles of Lhx1a, Lhx1b, and Lhx5 in Zebrafish Spinal Cord Interneuron Specification and Function, Samantha Balakirsky
Signaling Pathways and Genetic Interactions That Lead to Metastatic Cancer in Drosophila melanogaster, Amanda Cole