Role of Progesterone Receptors in Neonatal Ovary Development, Marta N. Dzyadyk
Does Vibrational Loading Modulate the Effects of Radiotherapy on Growing Bone?, Samantha Hay
Effect of Combining Bcl-2 Inhibition and Radiation on Apoptotic Cell Death in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines as Determined by Clonogenic Assay and Western Blots, Amari Sasha Howard
Analyzing the Roles of scl and gata3 in Zebrafish Spinal Cord Interneuron Specification and Function, Kadiah Oyah Kamara
The Expression Pattern of the Xenopus laevis Rod-derived Cone Viability Factor1 (RdCVF1), Vera Osafo
DRD2 Polymorphisms Imparting Risk for Schizophrenia, Lauren Paish
Synthesis and Structural Studies of Calcium and Magnesium Diphosphonate Compounds, Seungmo Suh
Expression and Purification of Recombinant Saposin B for Coenzyme Q10 Purification, Vivian Yaci Yu
Germline Cyst Formation and Development in Zebrafish, Tess Cherlin
Synthetic Dosage Lethality Screen with Actin Cytoskeleton in Yeast, Jessica Cho
Effects of Ethanol on Social Behavior & Brain Structure, Lua Jafari
Structural and Functional Characterization of a Putative CitMHS Protein from Bacillus anthracis, Qi Wen Li
Identification, cloning and fluorescent-tagging of protamines of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, Kristina Martimucci
Pathophysiology and Treatment of Septic and Traumatic Shock, Lyuba Polinkovsky
Modular Inheritance of Color Pattern in Lake Malawi Cichlid Fishes, Jennifer Roscoe
The Basis and Implications of Genetic Counseling in Patient Testing Choice, Yanina Tovpeko
Growth of Yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, under Hypergravity Conditions, Sapir Vangruber
Modeling Hemorrhagic Stroke and Vasospasm in the Rodent, Sarah Katherine Jane Wendel
A Molecular Basis for Craniofacial Laterality in Fishes, Karen Adams
Role of Estrogen Receptor Expression in Estrogen (E-2)-Induced Modulation of Th1 and Th2 Cytokine Responses, Bertille Gaigbe-Togbe
The Effect of Exogenous Estrogens on Primordial Follicle Assembly in Vivo, Jenna Rose Karavan
Understanding the Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of the SHL3 phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana, Sukeerti Kesar
mTOR in Cell Signaling and Size Enlargement as a Target for the Chemico-Physical Therapy of Cancer, Gabriela Krawiec
Role of Secondary Interactions (π, agostic) as well as Solvent Influence on Alkali metal complexes, Elizabeth D. Nagle
Production and In Vitro Investigation of Vitamin B12-Based Bioprobes, Amy Rabideau
Effect of Inflorescence Size on Female Choice in Wild Radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, Mylenne H. Salinas
The Molecular Analysis of Hemoparasite Burdens of Free-Ranging Lions (Panthera leo) in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, Jamie R. Sherman
The Role of Cuticular Hydrocarbons in the Pre-mating Isolation of Two Pissodes Species, Stephanie L. Teale
Enhancing Bacterial Expression of Mammalian GProtein Coupled Receptors The Creation of a Proteorhodopsin‐Bovine Rhodopsin Chimera, Chauncey Brown Jr.
Purification of Proteorhodopsin by Using Citrate and Phosphate to Induce Selective Precipitation, Jonathan Kim
Imaging of RNase Mitochondrial RNA Processing Localization Using Fluorescent Microscopy, Bryan Marascalchi
The Evolution of Skull Form and Function Among the East African Cichlids of Lakes Malawi, Victoria, and Tanganyika, Alyssa McIntyre
The Effects of Prenatal Exposure of Valproic Acid on Cranial Nerve Nuclei: A Rat Model for an Autistic Phenotype, Shannon Pickup
Characterization of the Human Mixed Lineage Leukemia Protein Homolog SET1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Illona Savich
Molecular Analysis of the Genetic Heterogeneity Between Primary and Recurrent Glioblastoma, Anushi Shah
Evolution of Craniofacial Architecture and Lateralization in Perissodini Scale-Eaters, Thomas A. Stewart
The Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor 20a in the Craniofacial Development of Zebrafish, Julie Adams
Characterizing the Interaction between Subunit C of V-ATPase and Actin of the Cytoskeleton in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Amanda Blackley
The Effects of Anthropogenic Ambient Noise and Habitat Vegetation on Common Yellowthroat Song, Edith Dooley
A behavioral assay to quantify retinal degeneration in X. laevis, Jacob Fleming
Ethanol Exposure in Rats and its Effect on Genetic Markers, Ceena Philipose
The Role of Estrogen Receptor Alpha in Neonatal Oocyte Development, Jemella C. Raymore
Expressing a Mammalian Signaling Protein in E. coli, Soyika A. Richardson
Influence of Carbonate on the Binding of Carboplatin to DNA, Robert S. Sorokanich
Asymmetric Jaw Morphology in an Herbivorous Cichlid from Lake Malawi, Bianca Williams
The Role of Estrogen Receptor Beta in Neonatal Oocyte Development, Kelsey E. Breen
Compensation Mechanisms for Altered Membrane Sterol Compositions in the Yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, David M. DeWolfe
Characterizing NtrC-like Activators Affecting Myxococcus xanthus Development, Jessica Eisenstatt
Root Production and Herbivory in an Upland Grassland Community in Yellowstone National Park, Anna M. Stewart
Characterization of Type II secretion mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sijung Suh
Molecular Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Genes Involved in Stress Response, Jessica M. Whitlock
Genetic Analysis of Germline Development in the Model Organism C. elegans, Kaitlyn A. Wurz
Characterization of Hypersensitive Response Related Genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Keluo Yao
Gene Deletion in Yeast that Affects Mitochondrial DNA Stability, Function and Maintenance, Rachel Charron
Total Synthesis of Pumiliotoxin 341A, Lydia Choi
The Response of a Biocompatible Liquid Crystal to Ions and Chemistry on Nanostructured Surfaces, Anny Huang
Ventilator Induced Lung Injury, John A. Johnson Jr.
The Role of Trailerhitch in Mouse Germ Cell Development, Ashley L. O'Hara
Mechanisms underlying the sperm quality advantage in sperm competition and cryptic female choice in Drosophila melanogaster, James Pattarini, William T. Starmer, Adam Bjork, and Scott Pitnick
A sensitive subject: Haploinsufficiency of the yeast VMA13 gene in simple and compound heterozygotes, Jason Michael Rizzo
Developing a Constitutively Active Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor in the Mouse Heart, Bruno DeCaria
Cell Wall Functions Required for Mating in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Stephen Dougherty
The Role of Dosage Sensitive Sex Reversal Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenita 1 (DAX-1) in Mouse Oogenesis, Krystal Wilson
Function and Role of Synaptotagmin Proteins in Yeast, Aaron J. Yang