Amalgam Fillings Disproportionately Impacting Children and Pregnant Women Physically and Psychologically in Underserved Communities, Marwa Abedrabbah
Emotion Dysregulation in College Students with ADHD, ASD, and ADHD+ASD: Impact of Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse, De'Lisa Adorno
Gender Disparities in Depression: A Review of the Sociocultural Contributions to Working Women's Mental Health Struggle, Melina Iavarone
Invesitgating Sex Differences: Characterization of the P1 and Social Behaviors Associated with Autism, Yvonne Kuo
Attachment Security Priming: Effects on Mindful Self-Care and Sleep Behaviors in University Students, Matthew Snyder
Associations Between Family History of Alcohol Use Problems and Drug Use and Undergraduage Students' Alcohol and Drug Use, Veronica Bucci
Intergroup Perceptions of Discrimination at Syracuse University, Tanner Demaree
Supporting Independently Functioning Autistic Students in Elementary Education, Amanda Lalonde
Evaluating the Presence of Emotional Eating in Adolescents Based on Age and Weight Status, Jillian Lasker
Acknowledging a Stutter Impacts the Impression One Makes in a Job Interview, Jennifer Perez
Evaluating the Relationship Between Attachment Orientation and Pain Tolerance, Laura Dickinson
Connecting the Brain to Behaviors: The Association Between the Mismatch Negativity and Attention to Detail, Valkyrie Hardy
Reducing Future Healthcare Provider Implicit Bias Through Mindfulness-Based Practices in Pre-Health Schooling: A Qualitative Systematic Review, Zoe Landskroner
CampusCompass: A Mobile App Based Training Program to Test and Improve Spatial Skills Modeled on the Kuuk Thaayorre Language, Fiona Powers Beggs
Predicting Anxiety in Young Autistic People: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors, Aparajita Rao
Hazardous Drinking Associated with Benzodiazepine Misuse and Dependence Among Individuals with Chronic Pain, Matthew Sala
Relationship Distance's Role in the Association Between Need Fulfillment and Dissolution Consideration, Regan Schutt
A Study on Paternal and Educational Influences on Adolescent Help-Seeking Behaviors, Tahlia Spiegel
The Role of Emotion Regulation in the Relationship Between Reward/ Punishment Sensitivity and Alcohol Outcomes, Emily Lenzetti
The Efficacy of Models Representing Decision Making with Multiple Alternatives, Liam Quinlan
Associations Among Anxiety Sensitivity, Gender, and Pain Sensitivity in College Student Hazardous Drinkers, Kyla Reitzel
Racism: Reassembling American Education, Maria Tsekenis
Understanding the Testing Effect in Human Memory Using Word Retrieval, Katherine Villarin
Differential Effectiveness in Writing and Spelling Intervention Outcomes Based Upon Children's Spelling Skill Levels, Ashlyn Wong
The Relationship Between Autism, ADHD Traits, and Sensory Features: How do girls differ?, Alyssa Viggiano
Repetitive Behavior in Maternally Separated CD-1 Mice, Sarina Wallace
A Comparison of Anxiety-related Behavior on the Elevated Plus Task Following Environmental Enrichment in Two Mouse models for Autism, Khemiah Burke
How PTSD and Alcohol Misuse in Veterans Differ According to Family Structure and Support, Alexandra Berge
The Role of Patient-Provider Communication in Parent Perceptions about ADHD and Treatment, Yelim Chung
Shame and Guilt Proneness Pre-Diagnostic Scale for Depression, PTSD, and Suicidal Ideation in Active Duty Veterans, Elizabeth Fantini
The Psychology of Consumer Resistance to Advertising, Chi-Ching Lam
Accuracy of Target Detection in Two RSVP Tasks, Shealyn O'Halloran
Consumer-Brand Relationships: How and Why We Form Them, Kristian Perez
Examining the Potential of the “CSI Effect” to Create False Expectations in Jurors in Regard to Expert Testimony, Sarah Stewart
Assessing Pre-sleep Experiences in a Population of Depressed and Non-depressed College Students, Lawrencia Teris
The Influence of Dispositional Greed on Creativity: A Conservation of Resources Perspective, Allyson Tiriolo
Psychological Reactivity to Dental Images and Sounds, Josue Deya
Audio-visual integration is strongest for spatially congruent stimuli, Alyssa Prawl
“What did u say?”: Examining Multi-Tasking Effects on Academic Performance, Emelio Woodstock
Illusory Correlations in Mental Illness Stigma, Katrina Aberizk
The Effects of Descriptive and Injunctive Peer Norms on Young Adult Alcohol Use, Samantha Paige DeTore
An Exploration of the Societal Impact of Neuroethics in Scientific and General Communities, Katelyn Marie Edel
Expanding Openness: The Effect of Actor Emotional Expression on Audience Openness to Experience, Amalia Golomb-Leavitt
Mass Shootings and Mental Illness Perception, Sierra M. Korb
Public Stigma in College Students Diagnosed with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Kristen Pyke
The experience of stress in women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, Amanda Canavatchel
Attenuating the Attentional Blink and its Consequences: Support for the Wyble-Bowman-Nieuwenstien model, Samantha Riane Debes
Investigating the Relationships Between Personality, Valence and Modern Health Worries, Thomas Green
Exploring Student Perceptions of Resident Advisors, Shyneice C. Porter
The Threat of an Innocent Victim: How Perspective-Taking and Mood Affect Perceptions of Victims, Reid A. Searls
Comparing Oral Reading Fluency Growth to Elementary-Level Students’ Pre-Assessment Disposition, Katie Flatley
Academic and Mental Health Functioning in College Students with Chronic Medical Conditions, Casey Lawless
The Stigma of Mental Illness, Ambivalent Attitudes, and Motivation to Learn, Jennifer Moore
Investigating the Relationship Between Goal- Oriented Strivings and Motives for Engaging in Physical Activity, Minakshi Raj
Methods for Aggregating Descriptive Assessment Data Prior to Conducting a Matching Analysis, Mary-Jo Robinson
The Prefrontal Cortex: A Predictor of Psychotic Symptoms in Children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?, Nicole Addonizio
Assessment of SUNY Upstate Medical University’s Child Telepsychiatry Consultation Program, Mary E. Lau
The Association of Type-D Personality and Prognosis Following Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease: A Review and Meta-Analysis, Kelsey O'Dell
Gender Socialization in Toys by Parents, Christina A. Simmons
Virtual Teams Affect, Performance and Interpersonal Perception with Unexpected Leadership Change, Jeanette M. Zoeckler
Evolutionary Mating Traits: When Costly Signals Emerge, David Taube
The Effect of Computer-based Biofeedback on Creativity, Qin Li
The Third Incident of JP Mercer a collection of short fiction, Lauren Picard
A Computer-based Study of Mnemic Neglect, Maxwell S. Sapolsky
Social Olfaction in Maternally Separated CD-1 Mouse Pups, Kia Hope Shine
The Media’s Influence in Everyday Life on Women’s Perception of Body Image, Sarah Christian
The Influence of Hunger on Attitudes: Does it Go Beyond Foods?, Euiyoung Kate Min
Moral Emotion Regulation: The Case of Abortion Attitudes, Steven Nydick
Psychological Predictors of Success in Bariatric Surgery Patients: A Meta-Analytic Review, Elizabeth C. Thompson
Memory & Cognition: What difference does gender make?, Donna J. Bridge
A Systematic Review of the Methodology of Expressive Writing Intervention Studies: Examining Location, Vanessa Juth
Risk Factors and Their Effects on the Comorbidity of Asthma and Anxiety Disorders in School Aged Children, Stephanie P. Seigel
The Relationship Between Psychopathology in Caregivers and their Children with Asthma, Jaime L. Benson
Comparing Montessori Education and Conventional Education on Aspects of Creativity, Tiffany Jones
The Effects of the Availability Heuristic on Student's Judgments of Others Alcohol Consumption, Jennifer McEnroy
The Effects of Core Affect, Emotion, and Self-Efficacy on Physiologic Response to Social Stressors, Jessica L. Reedy