
Molly Siwula

Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2011

Capstone Advisor

Kevin S. Masters, Ph.D

Honors Reader

Leonard S. Newman, Ph.D

Capstone Major


Capstone College

Arts and Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Social Sciences

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social Psychology


The relationship between creativity and overall health has not been widely examined, as researchers have previously focused mainly on the association between creativity and mental illness. Certain aspects of the creative personality (i.e. high physical energy, intelligence, passion, and self-discipline) may predict engagement in healthy behaviors. Creativity has been shown to positively relate to self-esteem, which also has been linked to general health. In addition, both athletes and creative individuals tend to experience flow. This study examined self-esteem and flow as possible mechanisms to partially account for the relationship between creativity and general health. Community participants (N = 83) completed self-report measures of creativity, flow, self-esteem, health behaviors, and general health and then wore an accelerometer for three consecutive days as an objective measure of physical activity. Path analysis was used to analyze relationships among variables. Results indicated that creativity and self-esteem were significantly positively related, with self-esteem also being related to general health and health practices. While flow and creativity were shown to be significantly and positively related, neither was related to objective

physical activity. Self-esteem in creative individuals served as a better predictor of health than the experience of flow. The results supported the hypothesis that creative individuals tend to exhibit high self-esteem, which predicts report of engagement in healthy behaviors and improvements in general health and health related quality of life.

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