Designing a visual programming environment: A practical approach, Xun Gao
Average Run Length of Two-Span Moving Sum Algorithms, Swarnendu Kar, Kishan G. Mehrotra, and Pramod Varshney
Approximation of Average Run Length of Moving Sum Algorithms Using Multivariate Probabilities, Swarnendu Kar, Kishan Mehrotra, and Pramod Varshney
A Modal Logic for Role-Based Access Control within the Hol Theorem Prover, Thumrongsak Kosiyatrakul
A Bit Serial Approach to Massively Parallel Floating Point Operations on an FPGA, Duane Marcy, Fred Schlereth, Parija Kshirsagar, and Anvith Katte Mahabalagiri
Community detection in complex networks as equilibria, Patrick J. McSweeney
p2pstm: A Peer-to-Peer Software Transactional Memory, Phil Pratt-Szeliga and Jim Fawcett
Application Level Fault Recovery in Distributed Real Time Systems Based On an Autonomic Computing Concept, Jamshidur Rahman
A New Statistical Procedure for Validation of Simulation and Stochastic Models, Robert G. Sargent
The Investment Comparison Tool (ICT): A Method to Assess Research and Development Investments, Tiffany A. Sargent and Robert G. Sargent
Design of S-Band Transition Based on Microstrip Quarter-Wave Transformers, Bashir Souid, Josh Merchant, Michael Rice, and Mahmoud EL Sabbagh
Detection and location estimation of a random signal source using sensor networks, Ashok Sundaresan
Strong (X)HTML Compliance with Haskell's Flexible Type System, Paul G. Talaga and Steve J. Chapin
Information theoretic measure applied on learning classifier systems for speaker identification problems, WonKyung Wok
An Information Theoretic Approach to Provably Secure Communications, Jin Xu
Image Segmentation: Structural Similarity, Belief Propagation and Radial Basis Functions for Level Set Based Methods, Yingxuan Zhu
A Generic Privacy Quantification Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, Zutao Zhu
Intelligent modeling of individual thermal comfort and energy optimization, Seckin Ari
Methods for direction of arrival estimation using a single snapshot of the data, Santana Burintramart
Interference networks with cognition and cooperation, Yi Cao
Interference networks with cognition and cooperation, Yi Cao
Modeling and analysis of timing behavior for CMOS circuits, Ting-Wei Chiang
A Clustering based Discretization for Supervised Learning, Ankit Gupta, Kishan Mehrotra, and Chilukuri K. Mohan
ESCUDO: A Fine-grained Protection Model for Web Browsers, Karthick Jayaraman, Wenliang Du, Balamurugan Rajagopalan, and Steve J. Chapin
Synthesis Minimizations and Mesh Algorithm Selection: An Extension of the Ultrasonic 3D Camera, Taylor Johnson
Path enumeration & redundancy removal for timing optimization, Nancy Khoury
A Broadcast Approach for Fading Wiretap Channels, Yingbin Liang, Lifeng Lai, H. Vincent Poor, and Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)
Design considerations and techniques for the conversion between Visual Basic .NET and C#, Bin Li
Sustainable Fitness Centers, Matthew Mockaitis
Distributed estimation in wireless sensor networks: Physical layer considerations, Onur Ozdemir
UniverCL 1.0 --- Phase I of a complete OpenCL implementation, Phil Pratt-Szeliga and Jim Fawcett
Swarm intelligence based methods for decentralized sensor networks, Kalyan Veeramachaneni
Image registration and image fusion: Algorithms and performance bounds, Min Xu
Homomorphic approach for through-wall sensing, Hany Yacoub
Self-organizing adaptive radar space-time adaptive processing, Shengchun Zhao
Electromagnetic scattering from three-dimensional chiral objects using FEM-MOM (hybrid) technique, Tahsin Durak
Privacy-maxent: integrating background knowledge in privacy quantification, Wenliang Du, Zhouxuan Teng, and Zutao Zhu
UWB antenna design for signature extraction of buried targets, Debalina Ghosh
Privacy and utility analysis of the randomization approach in Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing, Zhengli Huang
OptRR: Optimizing Randomized Response Schemes for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining, Zhengli Huang and Wenliang Du
The authorization calculus, Polar Humenn
A comparison of marching-on in time method with marching-on in degree method for the TDIE solver, Baek Ho Jung, Z. Ji, T. K. Sarkar, M. Salazar-Palma, and M. Yuan
Data recomputation based optimizations in embedded systems, Hakduran Koc
Mitigating DoS attacks against broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks, Peng Ning, An Liu, and Wenliang Du
Hertzian dipoles and microstrip circuits on arbitrarily oriented biaxially anisotropic media, Gregory Francis Pettis
A multi-objective optimization approach for sensor network design, Ramesh Rajagopalan
Reasoning about co-evolving discrete, continuous and hybrid states, Angel J. Rivera G.
Low-power CMOS receiver for medical implant communication services, Huseyin Serif Savci
On the capacity of Gaussian interference channels, Xiaohu Shang
Instruments and methods for high speed ciliary imaging, Ganesh Srinivasan
Security through diversity for wireless sensor networks, Abdulrahman S. N. Alarifi
Electromagnetic scattering from chiral objects using double-grid finite-difference frequency-domain (DG-FDFD) method, Erdogan Alkan
Transmission through an arbitrary aperture in an arbitrary three-dimensional conducting surface enclosing chiral material, Fikret Altunkilic
BORG: Block-reORGanization and Self-optimization in Storage Systems, Medha Bhadkamkar, Jorge Guerra, Luis Useche, Sam Burnett, Jason Liptak, Raju Rangaswami, and Vagelis Hristidis
A new achievable rate region for interference channels with common information, Yi Cao, Biao Chen, and Junshan Zhang
The design and evaluation of contention-based geographic forwarding for wireless multi-hop networks, Dazhi Chen
Noise enhanced signal detection and estimation, Hao Chen
Stateful DDoS attacks and targeted filtering, Shigang Chen, Yong Tang, and Wenliang Du
New frequency domain electromagnetic solvers based on multiresolution analysis, Mesut Gokten
The applications of the matrix pencil to speech processing, Darren M. Haddad
Transmission through an arbitrarily shaped aperture in a conducting plane separating air and a chiral medium, Sehabeddin Taha Imeci
Formal verification of high-level synthesis with global code motions, Youngsik Kim
Accessible Interactive Campus Mapping System For Syracuse University/SUNY-ESF, Aaron C. Knight
Novel energy-efficient leakage current minimization techniques for CMOS VLSI circuits, Preetham Lakshmikanthan
Optimal decision rules for decentralized detection in resource-constrained wireless sensor networks, Ying Lin
Cluster based classification for semantic role labeling, Necati Ercan Ozgencil
Secure and efficient use of public key cryptography in sensor networks, Ronghua Wang
Containing denial-of-service attacks in broadcast authentication in sensor networks, Ronghua Wang, Wenliang Du, and Peng Ning
Containing denial-of-service attacks in broadcast authentication in sensor networks, Ronghua Wang, Wenliang Du, and Peng Ning
Doppler and acceleration invariant pulse compression, Jie Yang
Fusion for Component based Face Recognition, Yanjun Yan and Lisa Ann Osadciw
Surface integral solution of chiral loaded waveguides of arbitrary cross section, Kasim Ayyildiz
MIMO communications in ad hoc networks, Biao Chen and Michael J. Gans
MIMO communications in ad hoc networks, Biao Chen and Michael J. Gans
Distributed fault detection for dynamic systems, Qi Cheng
A key predistribution scheme for sensor networks using deployment knowledge, Wenliang Du, Jing Deng, Yunghsiang S. Han, and Pramod K. Varshney
A framework for network monitoring and performance based routing in distributed middleware systems, Gurhan Gunduz
Structural models for large software systems, Murat Kahraman Gungor
Electromagnetic scattering from an arbitrarily shaped three-dimensional inhomogeneous chiral body, Moamer Hasanovic
Electromagnetic scattering from chiral materials using the finite difference frequency domain method, Lokman Kuzu
Channel aware distributed detection in wireless sensor networks, Bin Liu
Privacy-preserving collaborative filtering, Huseyin Polat
Data aggregation techniques in sensor networks: A survey, Ramesh Rajagopalan and Pramod K. Varshney
Comparisons of k-anonymization and randomization schemes under linking attacks, Zhouxuan Teng and Wenliang Du
Iterative deformable finite element model for nonrigid 3D PET/MRI breast image registration, Mehmet Zubeyir Unlu
Automatic synthesis of CMOS ring oscillators, Lu Wang
Grid-based collaboration, Minjun Wang
Service Oriented Architecture for VoIP Conferencing, Wenjun Wu, Geoffrey C. Fox, Hasan Bulut, Ahmet Uyar, and Tao Huang
Surviving malicious code attacks, Haizhi Xu
Electromagnetic scattering from three dimensional gyrotropic objects using the Transmission Line Modeling (TLM) method, Ahmet Fazil Yagli
Empirical selection of NLP-driven document representations for text categorization, Ozgur Yilmazel
Using A PDA to Control Home Appliances, Atif Albraiki
A state-free data delivery protocol for multihop wireless sensor networks, Dazhi Chen, Jing Deng, and Pramod K. Varshney
Lad: Localization anomaly detection for wireless sensor networks, Wenliang Du, Lei Fang, and Peng Ning
Searching for High-Value Rare Events with Uncheatable Grid Computing, Wenliang Du and Michael T. Goodrich