Replicators, majorization and probabilistic databases: New approaches for the analysis of evolutionary algorithms, Anil Ravindran Menon
Practical delegation for secure distributed object environments, Nataraj Nagaratnam
Secure delegation for distributed object environments, Nataraj Nagaratnam and Doug Lea
HPHFS: A file system prototype for a cluster-based server environment using network-attached storage devices, Sang-Gue Oh
Shape matching using genetic algorithms, Ender Ozcan
Partial Shape Matching Using Genetic Algorithms, Ender Ozcan and Chilukuri K. Mohan
Steady State Memetic Algorithm for Partial Shape Matching, Ender Ozcan and Chilukuri K. Mohan
NYNET communication system (NCS): A multithreaded message-passing system for ATM-based high-performance distributed computing environments, Sung-Yong Park
A Multithreaded Message-Passing System for High Performance Distributed Computing Applications, Sung-Yong Park, Joohan Lee, and Salim Hariri
Automatic Granularity Control For Load Balancing Of Concurrent Particle Simulations, Marc Rieffel, Stephen Taylor, and Jerrell Watts
Automatic Granularity Control For Load Balancing Of Concurrent Particle Simulations, Marc Rieffel, Stephen Taylor, and Jerrell Watts
Adaptive Linkage Crossover, Ayed A. Salman, Kishan Mehrotra, and Chilukuri K. Mohan
Verification And Validation Of Simulation Models, Robert G. Sargent
Design and evaluation of radial basis function model for function approximation, Mi-Young Shin
Electromagnetic scattering from coated strips utilizing the adaptive multiscale moment method, C. Shu and T. K. Sarkar
Techniques for improving performance in continuous media servers, Chutimet Srinilta
Performance enhancement using intra-server caching in a continuous media server, Chutimet Srinilta and Alok Choudhary
High capacity free space switching fabric with dynamic holograms, Serey Thai
The Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment, Haluk Topcuoglu, Salim Hariri, Dongmin Kim, Yoonhee Kim, and Xue Bing
Automatic data partitioning for a parallel language, Elaine Wenderholm
An efficient k-means clustering algorithm, Khaled Alsabti, Sanjay Ranka, and Vineet Singh
Parallel Domain Decomposition and Load Balancing Using Space-Filling Curves, Srinivas Aluru and Faith E. Sevilgen
Runtime support for unstructured data accesses on coarse-grained, distributed-memory parallel machines, Seungjo Bae
Improving space-time adaptive processing (STAP) radar performance in nonhomogeneous clutter, Ho-Hsuan, Chang,
Supercritical fluid extraction of polychlorinated biphenyls from soils, Pairu Chen
An Information Security Education Initiative for Engineering and Computer Science, Shiu-Kai Chin, Cynthia E. Irvine, and Deborah Frincke
On linear types and imperative update, Stephen Cooper
Dynamic, generic program visualization in a programming language environment, Wanda Peters Dann
Design and implementation of a high-performance continuous media-on-demand server, Divyesh Jadav
A Compiler Algorithm for Optimizing Locality in Loop Nests, Mahmut Kandemir, J. Ramanujam, and Alok Choudhary
Standardization of a Communication Middleware for High-Performance Real-Time Systems, Arkady Kanevsky, Anthony Skjellum, and Jerrell Watts
Simulations of hydrodynamic interactions in bubbly liquids and colloids, Sang-Yoon Kang
A fat tree network-based cache coherence protocol for scalable distributed shared memory multiprocessors, Senthil, Krishnamoorthy
User-controllable input and output for parallel computers, Jang Sun Lee
Real-time interactive client-server terrain rendering, Alvin Leung
Finite element analysis of lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate electro-optic devices, James Anthony, Migliaccio
Selective Crossover: Towards Fitter Offspring, Chilukuri K. Mohan
Induced decision trees for time- and cost-sensitive data, Catherine Kuenz, Murphy
Resource access control for an internet user agent, Nataraj Nagaratnam and Steven B. Byrne
Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms for partial shape matching, Ender Ozcan and Chilukuri K. Mohan
Full-wave analysis of MICs in multilayer dielectric media in a rectangular waveguide: A spectral domain approach, Odilon Marojada Costa Pereira-Filho
New integral equation approach for the numerical analysis of MOS devices in VLSI, Jalel Rejeb
Adaptive pre-suppression of wideband noise jammers in conjunction with space-time adaptive processing, Paul David Rivkin
Application of the variability index (VI) statistic to radar CFAR processing, Michael Ernest Smith
A global computing environment for networked resources, Haluk Topcuoglu and Salim Hariri
The Software Architecture of a Virtual Distributed Computing Environment, Haluk Topcuoglu, Salim Hariri, Wojtek Furmanski, and Jon Valente
Decentralized detection and estimation with fuzzy and asynchronous data, Vajira N. S. Vajira
Unified implementation of fuzzy rule based control using self-organizing map neural network, Farrukh Zia
Elimination of the effects of mutual coupling in adaptive thin wire antennas, Raviraj Sadanand Adve
Application-oriented communication protocols for high-speed networks, Eyas Sameer Al-hajery
Resource management schemes for multiprocessors based on multistage interconnection networks, Muhammad Naeem Ayyaz
Experimental and theoretical characterization of ferroelectric bismuth titanate, Bi(4)Ti(3)O(12), thin films, Masud Eypakchi Azimi
Radiation characteristics of cavity-backed aperture antennas, Carole Michel Azur
A Framework for Integrated Communication and I/O Placement, Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J Ramanujam
A Framework for Integrated Communication and I/O Placement, Rajesh Bordawekar, Alok Choudhary, and J Ramanujam
Message reduction rules (MR(2)): A reduction methodology for message-based multimedia systems, Seyit H. Kubilay Cardakli
Distributed flow control protocols for ATM networks, Pei-Liang Chang
A dataflow-based software integration model in parallel and distributed computing and applications, Gang Cheng
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using the Volterra network, Mohammad Farrokhi
Every Polynomial-Time 1-Degree Collapses iff P = PSPACE, Stephen A. Fenner, Stuart A. Kurtz, and James S. Royer
Hierarchical Control Flow Graph Models, Douglas G. Fritz and Robert G. Sargent
An analysis of linear and non-linear coherent detection in atmospheric noise at very low frequency, John Thomas Gamble
Doping of boron carbon alloys and their applications in semiconductor devices, Seong-Don Hwang
Data-parallel programming on adaptive and nonuniform computational environments, Maher Kaddoura
Performance analysis using formal methods, Christopher Jon Kappler
Traffic shaping and bandwidth allocation algorithms for VBR traffic, Taccettin Koprulu
The Isomorphism Conjecture Fails Relative to a Random Oracle, Stuart A. Kurtz, Stephen R. Mahaney, and James S. Royer
Dynamically reconfigurable FPGA-based multiprocessing and fault tolerance, Kevin A. Kwiat
Image/video compression based on bracket classified coding and optimal joint coordinate motion estimation, Chih-Feng Lin
Compile-Time Performance Prediction of HPF/Fortran 90D, Manish Parashar and Salim Hariri
A hybrid method to terminate finite element meshes (frequency and time domain analysis), Tanmoy Roy
A least squares approach for radar array adaptive nulling, Richard Arthur Schneible
Scalable parallel algorithms for random data accesses and shared-memory simulation, Ravi V. Shankar
Design of optimization techniques for soft-decision decoding of linear block codes, Ching-Cheng Shih
Toward optimal scheduling of jobs on parallel multiprocessor systems, Waleed W. Smari
An extended two-phase method for accessing sections of out-of-core arrays, Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary
Efficient Algorithms for Array Redistribution, Rajeev Thakur, Alok Choudhary, and J. Ramanujam
Methodologies for information presentation, Wei-Chih Tseng
Locality-conscious load balancing: Connectionist architectural support, Chaitanya Tumuluri
Performance assessment of space-range processing against hot clutter, Edward Martin Valovage
A parallel data assimilation system and its implications on a metacomputing environment, Gregor von Laszewski
An infinite server queueing model for software readiness assessment and related performance measures, Kune-Zang Yang
Version management for multimedia document retrieval systems, Seong-Joon Yoo
Computational analysis of real-time MPEG-2 video compression and its hardware implementation, Mansour A. Zuair
Formal specification and verification of the OSI session layer using the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS), Milica Barjaktarovic
Compiling Fortran 90D/HPF for distributed memory MIMD computers, Zeki Bozkus
National HPCC Software Exchange, Shirley Browne, Jack Dongarra, Stan Green, Keith Moore, Tom Rowan, Reed Wade, Geoffrey .. Fox, and Ken Hawick
Adaptive polarimetric processors for multiband and multiscan radar, Russell DeAtley Brown
PASSION Runtime Library for the Intel Paragon, Alok Choudhary, Rajesh Bordawekar, Sachin More, K. Sivaram, and Rajeev Thakur
A Simulation Model Of A Surveillance Radar Data Processing System Using Hi-Mass, Steven D. Farr, Alex F. Sisti, Douglas G. Fritz, and Robert G. Sargent
Verification And Validation Of Simulation Models, Douglas G. Fritz, Robert G. Sargent, and Thorsten Daum
An Evaluation of Design Tradeoffs in a High Performance Media-on-Demand Server, Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, Alok Choudhary, and P. B. Berra
Techniques for Scheduling I/O in a High Performance Multimedia-on-Demand Server, Divyesh Jadav, Chutimet Srinilta, Alok Choudhary, and P. B. Berra
A conceptual model for computer animation, William Joseph Joel
Parallel block-diagonal-bordered sparse linear solvers for power systems applications, David P. Koester
Effects of Technology Mapping on Fault Detection Coverage in Reprogrammable FPGAs, Kevin A. Kwiat, Warren Debany, and Salim Hariri
Information retrieval by plausible inferences: An application of the theory of plausible reasoning of Collins and Michalski, Farhad Oroumchian
Run-time support and compilation methods for irregular computations on distributed memory parallel machines, Ravi Ponnusamy
Runtime Support for In-Core and Out-of-Core Data-Parallel Programs, Rajeev Thakur