
Atif Albraiki

Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-1-2005

Capstone Advisor

Dr. Daniel J. Pease

Honors Reader

Dr. Frederick W. Phelps

Capstone Major

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Capstone College

Engineering and Computer Science

Audio/Visual Component


Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories

Sciences and Engineering

Subject Categories

Computer and Systems Architecture | Computer Engineering | Digital Communications and Networking


The Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a handheld device that gives users different organizational capabilities. Over the years, the functionality of PDAs has expanded tremendously to include internet connectivity and different computer applications. The purpose of my honors thesis, combined with my engineering senior design project, was to include a new functionality to the PDA and use it to control different home appliances. The goal of the project was to develop a PDA program that will communicate with a PC program, and have the PC program communicate with a microcontroller to control home appliances. My part of the project was the development of the PDA and PC programs and the communication between them and the microcontroller.

In this paper I will describe some basics of the PDA, and I will also describe how the two programs that I developed work and communicate together. In addition, I will describe how the PC program communicates with the microcontroller. Most of the microcontroller program and the hardware connection between it and the home appliances were implemented by two members on my senior design team. I will briefly describe their work in this paper to give a clear picture of the project.

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