A Content Analysis Of Tenth-Grade Students' Responses To Black Literature, Including The Effect Of Reading This Literature On Attitudes Towards Race

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Leadership


W. Don Martin


Education, ethnic studies, African-American history, social prejudices, attitude change

Subject Categories

Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education


This study focuses attention upon the reading and study of [black] literature with the express purpose of gathering and analyzing evidence about adolescent responses to it. An ancillary purpose is to assess the impact of reading this "new" subject matter upon students' racial attitudes. In short, the investigator seeks information about both the cognitive and affective reading responses of high school students to black literature and to the black experiences that it expresses. Such information should prove useful to teachers and curriculum experts who must deal with the problem of making black literature a viable and integrative part of the English program. It should also give some indication about the value of using the vicarious experience of fiction in order to develop positive racial attitudes, attack stereotyped thinking about race, and measure levels of comprehension and modes of response to one aspect of black studies.


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