The Job Satisfactions of Black School Administrators

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Leadership


J. Donald Herring


School administration, Minority groups

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision


It is apparent that an increasing number of persons from minority groups are entering school administration.


Programs to recruit educational leaders from minority groups, initiated in the sixties, will need to be greatly expanded in the seventies. American education cannot fail in its challenge to give its youth the opportunity for contacts and learning experiences through interaction with leadership from all ethnic groups. Minority group members will be able to exercise educational leadership in ways that majority leaders will not able to do (UCEA, 1971). The black child needs a model with which to identify, along with live examples of his own race, in places of prestige and responsibility. It is significant for white children to have experiences under first rate black educational leadership. This will go a long way in changing perceptions and prejudgice about race (U. S. Select Senate Committee, 1971, p. 5000).


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