Predicting Social Functioning in Young Adults with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study, Kayla Eileen Wagner
“What did u say?”: Examining Multi-Tasking Effects on Academic Performance, Emelio Woodstock
Illusory Correlations in Mental Illness Stigma, Katrina Aberizk
Understanding Proactive Facilitation In Cued Recall, William Roger Aue
Parent-Child Communication among African American Families: Does "Being on the Same Page" Protect Against Adolescent Sexual Risk Behavior?, Katherine Bonafide
Detecting At-Risk Drinking in University Primary Care: Validity of the AUDIT-C, Clare Elizabeth Campbell
Emotion Recognition and Hypertension Risk: The Associations of Elevated Resting Blood Pressure and Accuracy of Emotion Recognition, Stephanie Cristiano
The Effects of Descriptive and Injunctive Peer Norms on Young Adult Alcohol Use, Samantha Paige DeTore
Associations of Hostility with Vocal Acoustics During an Anger Recall Task, Michelle Dorfman
An Exploration of the Societal Impact of Neuroethics in Scientific and General Communities, Katelyn Marie Edel
Expanding Openness: The Effect of Actor Emotional Expression on Audience Openness to Experience, Amalia Golomb-Leavitt
Permitting Joint-Control in Asymmetric Dependence Relationships: Investigating a Strategy for Increasing Trust, Michael Ioerger
Mass Shootings and Mental Illness Perception, Sierra M. Korb
Cue Reactivity to Images of Alcohol: Creation of a Standardized Picture Set, Kelsey M. Krueger
Generalization Programming and the Instructional Hierarchy: A Performance Feedback Intervention in Writing, Rigby Dawn Malandrino
Decreasing Disparities In Physical Activity: An Intervention Based On Self-determination Theory And Motivational Interviewing, Lauren S. Miller
The Impact of HIV-Related Stigmatization on Medication Adherence among HIV-Infected People: A Test of Two Explanatory Mechanisms, Luke D. Mitzel
Public Stigma in College Students Diagnosed with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Kristen Pyke
Effects of an Expressive Writing Intervention Aimed at Improving Academic Performance by Reducing Test Anxiety, Stephanie Lauren Spielberger
Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Executive Functions Controlling Self-Regulated Behavior, Suzanne Spinola
The list strength effect in cued recall: Estimation, implications, and models, Jack Harvey Wilson
Capturing the Impairment Profile of College Students with Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms, Whitney Lee Muhlenkamp Wood
Interaction effects between the DRD4 VNTR and the number of heavy-drinking peers on alcohol consumption: An experimental alcohol administration study, Michelle J. Zaso
Development and Delivery of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Suicidal Ideation among Veterans in a Primary Care Setting, Todd Michael Bishop
The experience of stress in women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, Amanda Canavatchel
Attenuating the Attentional Blink and its Consequences: Support for the Wyble-Bowman-Nieuwenstien model, Samantha Riane Debes
Do Social Control Motives Combine with Perceptions of Social Support to Predict Relationships between Interpersonal Stress and Blood Pressure in the Normal Environment?, Gavin James Elder
Investigating the Relationships Between Personality, Valence and Modern Health Worries, Thomas Green
Programming Generality into a Performance Feedback Writing Intervention, Bridget Hier
Life Events and Alcohol Use Disorder Clinical Course: Modeling the Dynamic Association, Marketa Krenek
Identifying Effective Ways to Increase Teachers' Implementation Integrity through Brief Experimental Analysis, Tonya LeAnn Lambert
Environmental enrichment preserves social odor preference and object recognition performance in maternally separated CD-1 mice, Christopher David Melton
Exploring Student Perceptions of Resident Advisors, Shyneice C. Porter
A Comparison of Descriptive and Injunctive Norms Brief Interventions for College Drinkers, Mark A. Prince
The Threat of an Innocent Victim: How Perspective-Taking and Mood Affect Perceptions of Victims, Reid A. Searls
Extending the N400 effect to the spatial domain., Nicole Shea
Facilitating Transitions in Children with Challenging Behavior, William Edward Sullivan
The Effect of Maternal Separation and Postnatal Oxytocin Administration on Social Recognition in Adolescent Female Mice, Nathaniel Richard Thomas
Power, Likeability, and Perception: Evaluating Men and Women in High and Low Power Positions, Daria A. Bakina
Physiological and Evaluative Differences between Internet-based and In-Person Interview Techniques, Joseph R. Castro
The Politics of Affirmation Theory: The Effects of Group-Affirmation on Biased Political Attitudes, Gaven Allen Ehrlich
Health Consequences of Sexual Hookups for First-Year College Women: A One-Year Prospective Investigation, Robyn Leanne Fielder
Comparing Oral Reading Fluency Growth to Elementary-Level Students’ Pre-Assessment Disposition, Katie Flatley
Reading and Test Taking in College English as a Second Language Students, Kaitlin Mei Hendricks
Predictors of Postsecondary Education Attendance for Youth with Learning Disabilities, Jennifer Lorene Koehler
Closing The Feedback-standard Gap With The Use Of A Performance Feedback And Goal Setting Intervention To Improve Elementary Students' Writing Fluency, Elizabeth Ann Koenig
Academic and Mental Health Functioning in College Students with Chronic Medical Conditions, Casey Lawless
The Stigma of Mental Illness, Ambivalent Attitudes, and Motivation to Learn, Jennifer Moore
Associative Processes in Statistical Learning: Paradoxical Predictions of the Past, Jennifer Patricia Provyn
Investigating the Relationship Between Goal- Oriented Strivings and Motives for Engaging in Physical Activity, Minakshi Raj
Methods for Aggregating Descriptive Assessment Data Prior to Conducting a Matching Analysis, Mary-Jo Robinson
Coping with College Stress: Does Sense of Coherence Influence the Use of Alcohol and OTC Medication?, Rebecca Silver
Alcohol Consumption and the Association between Adiposity and Cardiovascular Health, Susan Delight Sperry
Impairment and Executive Functioning Associated with Symptoms of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression, Whitney Lee Muhlenkamp Wood
The Prefrontal Cortex: A Predictor of Psychotic Symptoms in Children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome?, Nicole Addonizio
Enhancing Male HPV Vaccine Acceptance: The Role of Altruism and Awareness of Male Specific Health Benefits, Katherine Bonafide
Evaluation of a Web-based Intervention for College Marijuana Use, Jennifer Christine Elliott
Exploring Policies of Spirituality among College Students, Afton N. Kapuscinski
Output Interference and Strength Based Mirror Effect in Recognition Memory, Asli Kilic
Exploring Distinct Aspects of Shame and Guilt: Can Startle Reflex Modification Differentiate Shame from Guilt?, Sangmoon Kim
Efficacy of an Expectancy Challenge to Reduce Non-Prescribed Use of Stimulant Medications among College Students, Allison Kathryn Labbe
Screening and Brief Intervention for Hazardous Alcohol Use: A Pilot Study in a College Counseling Center, Danielle Terry Lynnette
Obesity Indices and Cognitive Function in Veterans, Kristin MacGregor
HIV-Related Stigmatization in Treatment Settings: Effects on Patient Comfort, Risk Disclosure, and Treatment Decisions, Jessica DeAnne Naughton
The Impact of Incentives on Neuropsychological Test Performance: An Analog Study, Laura Marie Spenceley
Can Social Norms Theory Explain Sexual "Hookups" Among First-Year College Women?, Shannon Marie Sweeney
How People React To Social Psychological Accounts of Wrongdoing: The Moderating Effects of Culture, Ying Tang
Teaching Children to Fluently Decode Nonsense Words in Lists: Generalized Effects to Oral Reading Fluency of Connected Text, Candace Susan Werder
Optimizing the use of the audit in alcohol screening for college students, Kelly Smith DeMartini
The Effects of Two Interventions on the Generalization of Oral Reading Fluency: Training to Generalize versus Repeated Readings, Lynne E. Gertz
Ecological Momentary Intervention [EMI]: Incorporating Mobile Technology into a Disordered Eating Treatment Program for College Women, Kristin E. Heron
Assessment of SUNY Upstate Medical University’s Child Telepsychiatry Consultation Program, Mary E. Lau
Development of a Daily Diary Method for the Assessment of Everyday Cognitive Failures, Jacqueline Mogle
School-Home Performance Feedback with Home-Based Writing Activities: the Effects on Elementary Students’ Writing Fluency, Jennifer Lynn Rymanowski
Language familiarity and the influence of reading on visual search strategies, Kelly A. Schwartz
Modeling Elementary Aged Students' Fluency Growth in Written Expression: Predicting Fluency Growth for Girls and Boys in General Education, Adrea J. Truckenmiller
The Transition to Kindergarten: Impact of Transition Preparation on Socio-Behavioral Outcomes for Children with and without Disabilities, Leah K. Wildenger
Test-taking behavior of students with learning disabilities: An investigation of secondary students' performance on timed reading tests, Cassie Liza Berger
Family functioning and treatment adherence in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis, Robin Smith Everhart
Implications of in-person versus online exclusion: Do method and gender influence individuals' response to exclusion?, Kelly Filipkowski
Religious orientation and naturally occurring stress: Ecological momentary assessment of cardiovascular function, Andrea Knestel
Coping with Negative Feedback in the Health Domain: Are Race Differences in Coping Related to Weight Disparities among Blacks and Whites?, Lindsay Renee Kraynak
The Association of Type-D Personality and Prognosis Following Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease: A Review and Meta-Analysis, Kelsey O'Dell
Gender Socialization in Toys by Parents, Christina A. Simmons
An Event Level Study of the Impact of Alcohol Use on Unwanted Sexual Activity among College Aged Women, Joseph Paul Voglewede Jr.
Alcohol, Gender, Power, and Condom Use Among African American Adults, Sarah E. Woolf-King
Virtual Teams Affect, Performance and Interpersonal Perception with Unexpected Leadership Change, Jeanette M. Zoeckler
Test-taking behavior in college students with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Rebecca A. Gathje
Using 'common-sense' to understand complementary and alternative medicine use and HAART adherence in HIV+ people, Rae Ann Littlewood
Instructional manipulations in writtten emotional disclosure interventions: An experimental test of content effects on cortisol, mood, and linguistic dimensions, Deborah Nazarian