Affect, personal strivings, and marijuana: Risk and protective factors within a self-regulation framework, Jeffrey Scott Simons
Intergenerational conflict within the family context: A comparative analysis of collectivism and individualism within Vietnamese, Filipino, and Caucasian families, Gemma Dolorosa Skillman
Generalization programming and school-based consultation: The effects of a generalization training program on teachers' consultation-related skills, Timothy Christopher Tillman
The relation of alcohol use to sexual HIV-risk behavior in adults with severe and persistent mental illness, Lance Stuart Weinhardt
Race and mixture models of individual differences in memory-based learning in older and younger adults: Effects of number of facts to learn and inter-item interference, Andrea Susan White
The relationship between patterns of marital conflict and child behavior: Linking parental interaction and child responses to conflict, John A. Wilder
Childhood sexual abuse: The relationship between patterns of appraisal and long-term effects, Diane Elizabeth Baker
Mock jurors' perceptions of "typical" and "learning disabled" victims of child sexual abuse, Daniel S. Bromberg
Autobiographical narrative and the question of coherence: Implications for identity development, Chris Marshall Chance
The day you were born: Maternal birth narratives over time, Ellen Elizabeth Curry-Bleggi
Learning complex instances: Adult age differences, Michael Anthony D'Eredita
Teacher assessment of students' writing skills, Ioannis C. Dimakos
Self-efficacy and coping responses in lower socioeconomic status African-American women involved in abusive relationships, Jonathan Huen Tet Lam
Family rituals as a protective factor for children with asthma, Samia Markson
Social habituation and dishabituation in CD-1 mice treated with the norepinephrine neurotoxin N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4), Hewlet Gregory McFarlane
Working memory and reading disabilities: The use of the Syracuse Order Tasks to predict academic achievement, Elizabeth Ann Rathbone
The number, width, and labels for racial categories, Andrew David Rozell
Monitoring early literacy skills: The efficiency and sensitivity of phonological awareness measures, Sandra Monachino Chafouleas
School-based intervention teams: An assessment of variables predictive of successful interventions, Sheila Moody Clonan
College women's fear of sexual assault, Mary Levesque Horchos
Grandparent-grandchild relationships over time: Connections with the middle generation, Cheryl Buckman, Hutchinson
The experience of love in abusive and nonabusive courtship relationships, Lamont Wayne Larry
Cardiovascular and metabolic responses during active coping: Individual differences in blood pressure and personality, Mark Robert Larson
The effects of selective attention on adult age differences in skill acquisition: Evidence supporting a nonlinear 2-factor model, Amy Elizabeth Lincourt
Generativity: A model of self-integration, Milene Z. Morfei
Reliability of self-reported alcohol use in psychiatric settings, Lesley M. Teitelbaum
Teaching phonological awareness to children with language impairments, Julie Beth Blumsack
Sex differences in personal space: A meta-analytic review of the sex effect literature, Viviane Louise Daigle
Comparison of complete-case, pairwise available-case, and maximum likelihood missing data methods, Christine Anne Fraser
Alcohol's influence on requisites for HIV-risk reduction, Christopher Michael Gordon
Nonparents' and parents' beliefs regarding socioemotional and cognitive development in children, Laurel Claudine Hayden
Predicting men's perceptions of date rape using the heuristic-systematic model, Suzanne Lynn Osman
Sexual satisfaction and the coorientation of preferred sexual practices in couples, Daniel M. Purnine
The role of unmitigated agency and unmitigated communion in physical and psychological health, Wanda Ann Willard
The psychological effects of exercise on dieting obese women, Susan Joan Bartlett
Effects of violent, nonviolent-dehumanizing, and nonviolent-egalitarian sexual portrayals on sexual attitudes and beliefs, Robert L. Bauserman
Performance feedback and generalization programming in writing instruction, Helen I. Jackson
The test expectancy effect: Is it a question of format or the level of questions?, Beverly Ruth Edmondson
The possible selves of people with Parkinson's disease, Leslie Donin Frazier
Neuropsychology in the schools: A comparison of neuropsychological and psychoeducational approaches to the assessment of learning disabilities, Karen Sussman Mackler
Locus-of-control and the five-factor model of personality, Sylvia Ines Garma
Development and psychometric evaluation of a measure of sexual desire, Ilana Paige Spector
The elusive self: A meta-analytic review of the self-reference effect literature, Cynthia Sheppard Symons
The prediction of cardiovascular reactivity from a measure of hostility: Moderating influences of narcissism and self-involvement, Laurie Marlene Boxer
Facilitating coping and self-efficacy in first-semester college students through psychoeducation, Deborah Lynne Familant
Measuring Antonovsky's "Sense of Coherence" construct: A psychometric study, Arthur William Frenz Jr.
Hemispheric differences in visual detection as a function of skill, Stephanie M. Clancy
The long-term effects of exposure to family violence: Anxiety, depression, and aggression in a college population, Barbara Forsstrom-Cohen
The effects of schema-related information on attributions of leadership, George Albert Kraus
A problem solving intervention for aggressive adolescent males: A preliminary investigation, Julia Elizabeth Grant
The efficacy of aggression replacement training with juvenile delinquents, Deborah Lynn Zimmerman
The Relationship Of Self-Other Differentiation And Adaptive Regression To Empathic Ability, Deborah Sue Sturm
Prefrontal Functions in Juvenile Delinquents, Elaine Shapiro Appellof
The Visual Event-Related Potential Correlates Of Signal Detection And Signal Recognition, David Allan Kobus
The Effects Of Consensus Information On Causal Attributions And Trait Evaluations: Indications Of Intuitive Psychologist And Intuitive Lawyer Models Of Judgment, Judith Cotey Mower
Visibility And Perception Of Male And Female Leaders As A Function Of Follower Sex, Level Of Performance, And Rater Sex, Lynn Ruth Offermann
Mothers' Child-Rearing Styles And Daughters' Dependency: An Examination Of Restrictive And Democratic Methods, Barry Frederic Prince
A Monte Carlo Comparison of Robust and Resistant Estimators of Bivariate Correlation, Bernadette Bonnie Baranowski
Effects of Observed Positive, Negative and Neutral Social Interactions on Perceived Liking in Children, Jane Ann Steinberg
Structured Learning Therapy With Abusive Parents: Training In Self-Control, Eileen Jo Solomon
Individual differences in attachment behavior: long-term stablity and relationships to language development, David Bruce Connell
Microgenesis of Subjective Meaning in Visual Perception, Robert Guiteras Strickland
Development and Application of a Multivariate Logistic Latent Trait Model, Mark Daniel Reckase
Some Behavioral and Physiological Measures on Food Deprived and Non-Deprived Gerbils (Meriones Unguiculatus) With Particular Reference to Food Deprivation Polydipsia, Robert David Stillman