Judgmental Perspectives/Perceptions of Foreign Languages/Foreign Language Speakers, Katherine Miles
Sex and Power in The Taming of the Shrew and Metamorphoses, Lily Braden
Once Upon Another Time: Queer Retellings of Classic Tales, Ash Alexander Murray
Magic Within Cartagena: A Film Project on AfroColobian Voices of Tradition and Resistance, Angelique Bey
Magic Within Cartagena: A Film Project on AfroColombian Voices of Tradition and Resistance, Angelique Bey
Latin American Activism: An Exploration Into the Voices Fighting Gender Inequity Through Art, Brady S. Iles
Adventures of a Black Cowboy: Masculinity and Race in the Life and Adventures of Nat Love, Kianna Shakir
Taming Ideology as Institutional Authority and Social Control: The Taming of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You, Marissa Carah Solomon
Russian Caviar: A Delicacy in Jeopardy, Bronwyn Galloway
Reversing the marginalization of black bodies in literature in the 1920s through Langston Hughes' collection The Ways of White Folks, Abbigail Henry
"Darlin', Sometimes I Remember Who I Am": Fragmentation, Juxtaposition, Dissociation, and Dissention in Miami Vice, Bethany Marsfelder
Carrying the Mantle Green: Storytelling Authority in the Ballad of "Tam Lin", Abigail Metzler
Commodification of Blackness in Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" and Jordan Peele's "Get Out", Nicholas Blauner
Materiality and Minority Representation in Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Julia Leyden
Traduttore Traditore: All Translators are Traitors, Excepts, maybe, for Chaucer., Karen Miranda
Resisting Borders, Resisting Control: Examining the Multiplicity of Identities in A Map of Home and The Girl in The Tangerine Scarf, Zainab Abdali
A Portfolio of Lesson Plans for a High School Spanish Classroom with Critical Reflection, Jasmyn Chacko
Applying Linguistics: Analyzing the Differences Between Human and Machine Translation of Selected Texts, Nicole Howell
From Maus to Magneto: Exploring Holocaust Representation in Comic Books and Graphic Novels, Rachel Elizabeth Mandel
An Examination of High School and College Students' Chatspeak Use in Twitter and Tumblr, Megan Jeanette Charters
Making Fun of Franco: Representations and Caricatures of Spanish Fascism in the films El espiritú de la colmena, Cría cueros and El laberinto del fauno, Elizabeth Pruchnicki
In a House, But Not a Home: Spanish Republican Exiles Find Refuge in Mexico The Question of Memory and Identity for Republican Refugees, Alyssa Marie Trudeau
The Surrealist Woman: the Art of Remedios Varo, Jacquelyn Yvonne White
Molière’s Le Misanthrope, Ian B. Carlino
Bilingual Children's Book, Lauren Beth Gagliardi
The Identity and Integration of the Quichua-speaking People of Highland Ecuador, Marie-Genevieve Sasseville Babecki
A Postcard from the Library: A Study of Perceptions of Italy and Foreigners Abroad through Time, Kathlyn Valianti Collins
Pablo Neruda: A Collection of Creative Interpretations, Amy Bonanno
Spanish Language Acquisition: Gender-Marking Parameter, Marissa T.Y.O Kanemura
Translation in Context: Cultural Globalization and Santiago Roncagliolo, Megan K. Moore
What’s in a Name? How Toponyms Connect Language and Society through Place, Lisa Radding
Interference of L1 English in L2 French Lexical Processing, Sarah Kuhn
Acquisition of Violations of English Principle B by Native Speakers of Japanese or Chinese, Clarion C. Mendes
Translation: A Reflection on Conducting Translations of English and Spanish Language Texts, Julie E. Mendez