

Dr. Cheryl L. Brown: 0000-0003-1067-6066


https://doi.org/10.143 05/jn.19440413.202


Media and moral education tackles the topic of how we educate young people to live and learn in a digital world through the adoption of a moral standpoint. This is a particularly pertinent issue for educators as the digital world is fraught with pitfalls and challenges and in many contexts educators and educational institutions fall short of dealing with the complexities of digital literacy and digital citizenship directly. We have moved beyond the issue of accessibility to information and media, to the need to focus on the ability to seek, analyse and critically evaluate and apply information and media content to purposeful decision-making and choices, particularly in relation to learning (Grizzle and Calvo, 2013). With technology being increasingly ubiquitous and pervasive we need to move our attention beyond the mechanics of access and ability into the implications of living digitally.



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