
Aims & Scope

Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning is a forum for research-based discourse to inform the preparation and professional development of educators. Excelsior is a publication of NYACTE (the New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education). This publication aligns with NYACTE’s organization aims, including:

  1. To provide member institutions with the means for continuous exchange of information, experiences, and judgments concerning all aspects of teacher education;
  2. To stimulate and facilitate research, experimentation, and evaluation in teacher education and in related problems of learning and teaching; to serve as a clearing house of information and reports on these matters; and to publicize findings of studies that have significance for the improvement of teacher education; and
  3. To exchange reports, experiences, and ideas with educators or teachers in other states and nations as a means of improving teacher education and of strengthening national and international understanding and cooperation.

We welcome submission of papers that present original academic research, research to practice reports, book reviews, policy briefs, commentaries, or other manuscripts related to teacher and administrator preparation and professional development.