Excelsior provides a forum to explore issues related to teaching and learning at public and independent colleges and universities with programs in educator and leader preparation. Excelsior is published twice a year. The journal is published in an online format.
Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning is a peer-reviewed, fully open-access journal provided by the professional association NYACTE (New York Association of Colleges for Teacher Education). The Journal welcomes original, thought-provoking manuscripts of various formats, including papers presenting research on issues and practices important to teacher education that contribute to the preparation and professional development of educators.
Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning became a fully online, open-access journal in 2018. There are no fees to submitting authors for article processing charges, publication charges, or otherwise, and a subscription is unnecessary to read. All articles as of Issue 11, Volume 1, 2018 are open-access. Back issues of Excelsior are currently available only in print. Contact the editors if you have questions on the back issues.
Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning is supported by NYACTE and sponsored by the Syracuse University Libraries.
Current Issue: Volume 17, Issue 1 (2024)
Invent a Kid Project: Fostering Creative Reflective Practice in Teacher Candidates
Karen Poland, Mary Ellen Bardsley, and Paul Vermette
Full Issue - Excelsior, V17-1