Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Pathogen Defense: The Role of JMJ3 in Arabidopsis thaliana, Nelson Trysler
Specification of V2b and KA neurons in the zebrafish spinal cord., Liwia Anna Andrzejczuk
Impacts of ship noise on the nighttime foraging behaviors of the North Atlantic humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), Hannah Blair
Estrodial effects on age-related shifts in learning and memory: A multiple memory systems approach, Luis Castelan
Deciphering the Neuroprotective Potential of Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) using in vitro Murine Models of Oxidative Stress, Twinkle Chowdhury
Characterization of three Arabidopsis genes involved in regulating defense and flowering, Nikhilesh Dhar
The Use of Shape Memory Polymers as a Tool to Study Human Fibrosarcoma and Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cell Migration, Justin N. Elkhechen
Maternal Obesity and Incidence of Depression, Caroline A. Habjan
Functional traits and resource-use strategies of native and invasive plants in Eastern North American forests, Jacob Mason Heberling
Exercise-Induced Adult Neruogenesis and the Seizure Threshold: the Role of COX-2, Gina Kim
Discrimination of age, sex, and individual identity using the upcall of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), Jessica McCordic
The Incidence of Chagas Coinfections Amongst Acute Dengue Patients in Machala, Ecuador, Elizabeth A. McMahon
Human-Managed vs. Natural Grazing Systems: Exploring Effects of Livestock and Wildlife Grazing at Multiple Scales, Megan Esther McSherry
Assessing motor and cognitive function to detect shifts in brain function in two models of Parkinson's disease, Katherine Lee Mitterling
Overexpression and gene profiling of asparagine synthetase in hybrid poplar, Kristopher Murray
Differential Activation of Microglia in an in vitro Model of Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Bhakti Patel
Characterization of Ghrelin O-acyltransferase Active Site, Leslie Patton
Defining the Role of Erlin2, an ER Membrane Protein of the Erlin1/2 Complex That Mediates Ubiquitination of the Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor (IP3R1), Natalie Rebeyev
Cell Kinase Inhibitor Panel Reveals Multiple Targets to Prevent Replication of Varicella-Zoster Virus, Bryan Egan Bunnell
Bidirectional Influence of Epinephrine on Hippocampal LTP via β-Adrenergic Receptors, Georgia Christine Buscaglia
Progesterone Signaling in Mouse Oocyte Development via the PGRMC1 and PGRMC2 Receptors and the PAIRBP1 Protein, Amanda M. Catchings
Steroid hormone regulation of fetal mouse oocyte development, Sudipta Dutta
Molecular Mechanisms for Regulating the Assembly of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia-1 (MLL1) Core Complex, Michael Hu