Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Frank Cammuso


Dream creating;Dream elements;Dream scenes;Illustration


This research aims to delve into the diverse portrayals of dreams in creation, examining the interplay between dreams and reality through a blend of literature review and case analysis. As a distinctive psychological phenomenon, dreams offer artists abundant inspiration for their work. Conducting a profound study on the connection between surrealism and dreams, which boast distinctive modes of expression and psychological import, can help attain a broader comprehension of how artists seek artistic expression through the depiction of situations in dreams. Through the analysis of the characteristics of dreams, our insight into their ability to surpass the limitations of ordinary reality is gained, offering artists an expansive realm of imagination for creative expression. Dream scenes are frequently bizarre, and surreal, and defy logic, rendering them a prime wellspring of inspiration for artists. By portraying dream scenes, artists not only confront viewers' preconceived notions of reality but also elicit profound contemplation and emotional resonance. The empirical research offers us tangible artistic practice, uncovering how artists derive inspiration from dreams and infuse their distinct expressions into their creations. By amalgamating the outcomes of literature reviews and case analyses, a conclusion is drawn, that is, dreams, as a uniquely expressive psychological phenomenon, play an indispensable role in artistic creation. Artists adeptly translate their ethereal imaginations into palpable artworks through the portrayal of dream scenes, delivering a sensory and emotive banquet to audiences. The creation technique of amalgamating dreams and reality not only revitalizes artistic endeavors but also enhances viewers' comprehension and engagement with art.


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