Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Francis Cammuso

Second Advisor

Holly Greenberg


Illustration;Mother-daughter Relationship

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


This thesis examines the conflicts between mothers and daughters within the Chinese cultural background. First, it states the domestic and social factors that impact the dynamic of maternal relationships with daughters in China. Then, by analyzing artworks like Everything Everywhere All at Once and Turning Red, it sheds light on how mother-daughter conflicts are represented in the plot and how filmmakers conceive such films to showcase mother-daughter relationships artistically. Finally, the thesis concludes by combining the above research with my own experiences, culminating in a visual thesis about a mother-daughter pair’s journey from conflict to reconciliation. The dissertation provides an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between mother and daughter, exploring the influence of the mother in the process of the child’s gradual development towards independence, and emphasizing the importance of mothers giving their children the right amount of space.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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