Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Robert Dacey

Second Advisor

Marty Blake

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the negative psychological impact that first-born children experience when facing the impending arrival of younger siblings in their families and the factors of these problems in China. In addition, this thesis helps the children prepare for the process of fitting in the new family structure via relevant artworks. Based on the unique situation, such as the only-child policy and culture of Chinese society, this thesis analyzes the factors affecting first-born children during the transition from being an only child to having siblings during the arrival of a second child within the family. Secondly, this thesis enumerates several typical negative psychological phenomena experienced by first-born children when facing the prospect of new siblings, along with some accompanying behaviors exhibited during this process. Finally, this thesis integrates and uses the analytical processes and conclusions from the written thesis to craft a children's book, serving as a visual thesis. In summation, this thesis furnishes additional vantage points to aid the eldest child within a multi-child household. By dissecting the formative factors and manifestations of adverse psychological challenges faced by the eldest child, this study endeavors to explore avenues for offering psychological support to those in need.


Open Access

ZouJ2024AppendixA.pdf (8085 kB)
Jianye Zou Visual Thesis

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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