Document Type





scholarly publishing, undergraduate research, library liaison roles




Library and Information Science


For 2018, the Center for Student Research at St. John Fisher College intentionally sought to diversify the disciplines participating in the summer undergraduate research program. Previously, only the Biology and Chemistry departments and Wegmans School of Nursing had participated in the program. This cycle, 30% of the students were a humanities or social science major. The Science Librarian had offered a ten week online module on scholarly publishing as an option for the summer researchers in the past. Now, the scope of participants was broader, so how did the scholarly publishing program need to adapt? Did the program need broader participation from the librarians, now that the student base had changed? This presentation will follow the case of a liberal arts college with a strong library liaison program, how it responded to the challenges to deliver a program that crossed liaison areas, and needed to adapt its scope quickly.

Additional Information

Presentation given at the 2018 Meeting of Upstate New York Science Librarians, held at Bird Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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