Local Spectra of Operator Weighted Shifts, Abdellatif Bourhim
On the Local Spectral Properties of Weighted Shift Operators, Abdellatif Bourhim
On a Conjecture of Auslander and Reiten, Craig Huneke and Graham J. Leuschke
Hypersurfaces of Bounded Cohen-Macaulay Type, Graham J. Leuschke and Roger Wiegand
Local Rings of Bounded Cohen-Macaulay Type, Graham J. Leuschke and Roger Wiegand
Biting convergence of null-Lagrangians, Uma Subramanian
Khovanov Homology and Conway Mutation, Stephan Wehrli
Numerical methods for smooth, detectable image perturbations, Roxana Ioana Zangor
The F-Signature and Strong F-Regularity, Ian M. Aberbach and Graham J. Leuschke
Bilinski diagrams and geodesics in 1-ended planar maps, Jennifer Antoinette Bruce
Local Rings of Countable Cohen-Macaulay Type, Craig Huneke and Graham J. Leuschke
Intersection Multiplicities over Gorenstein Rings, Claudia M. Miller and Anurag K. Singh
Selection and testing designs for selecting one among k normal populations, provided it is better than a standard, Linda M. Rollin
(+)-Admissible sequences and the preprojective component, Helene Renee Tyler
Limit laws of modulus trimmed sums, Fozia Sanober Qazi
Bounded Point Evaluations and Local Spectral Theory, Abdellatif Bourhim
Super-Brownian Limits of Voter Model Clusters, Maury Bramzon, J. Theodore Cox, and Jean-Francois Le Gall
Optimal Solvability for the Dirichlet and Neumann Problem in Dimension Two, Atanas Stefanov and Gregory C. Verchota
A boundedly controlled finiteness obstruction, Jill Heather Wiesner
A boundedly controlled finiteness obstruction, Jill Heather Wiesner
Recurrence and Ergodicity of Interacting Particle Systems, J. Theodore Cox and Achim Klenke
Extending the Beltrami equation into higher dimensions, Raymond Kenneth DeCampo
Resolutions of Subsets of Finite Sets of Points in Projective Space, Steven P. Diaz, Anthony V. Geramita, and Juan C. Migliore
Resolutions of Subsets of Finite Sets of Points in Projective Space, Steven P. Diaz, Anthony V. Geramita, and Juan C. Migliore
On the RO(G)-graded equivariant ordinary cohomology of generalized G-cell complexes for G = Z/p, Kevin Keith Ferland
On-off Intermittency in Stochastically Driven Electrohydrodynamic Convection in Nematics, Thomas John, Ralf Stannarius, and Ulrich Behn
A mean field model for species abundance, Thomas John Pfaff
Finite element spectral approximations, Max Minh Tran
A study of degenerate elliptic partial differential equations, Abdulsalam Ahmeo Almannaei
Comparison of four instructional approaches and mathematics background on students' conception of limits, William James Hardin
Regularity of A-harmonic forms, Leonard Robert Budney
Feed-forward neural networks: Learning algorithms, statistical properties, and applications, Yachen Lin
A uniform property for finite sets of points in projective space, Lakshmi Modalli
A journey through numeracy: Correlates of success in initial college mathematics, John Michael Trimboli
General properties of functions of bounded lambda-variation, Franciszek Prus-Wisniowski
An integrated approach to some ranking and selection problems, Jun-Lue Zhang
A Comparison of Continuously Controlled and Controlled K-theory, Douglas R. Anderson, Francis X. Connollly, and Hans J. Munkholm
Procedures for selecting the best experimental treatment with comparison to a control, Laura Trasher Bernhofen
On the preservation of certain properties of functions under composition, Pamela Bitler Pierce
Functions of generalized bounded variation, generalized absolute continuity and applications to Fourier series, Nunzio Paul Schembari
Fourier series on Vilenkin groups, David Herman Dezern
Strong laws of large numbers for certain sequences and arrays of dependent random variables, Eric Forrest Rieders
Functions Of Generalized Bounded Variation And Summability Of Fourier Series, Lawrence Arthur D'antonio
Functions Of Generalized Bounded Variation And Fourier Series, Pedro Isaza
Growth and Almost Periodicity of Dirichlet Series with Random Signs, Melvin John Friske
Structure of the Degrees of Enumeration Reducibility, Brian Barry Moore
On some aspects of the Arens-Hoffman extension of Banach algebras, David Theodore Brown
An Experimental Comparison of Two Liberal Arts Courses in General Mathematics at Syracuse University, Roland Frederick Smith