Subcultural Textuality: Skateboarding and the Politics of Subcultural Media, Simon Vangel
Transnational Druze and Reincarnation: Remembering, Recording, and Reconnecting, Natalie El-Eid
Climate Justice Before the Anthropocene: How Inclement Weather Shaped British and Irish Romanticism, Lauren Cooper
Pained Subjects: Self-harm, Sexual Health, and US Citizenship, Alex O'Connell
“Rude, Misshapen, Monstrous Rabblement”: Race, Disability, and Gender in Early Modern England, Deyasini Dasgupta
Turbulent Landscapes: Reading the Borders of Contemporary Latinx and Indigenous Literatures, Florencia Lauria
Liberalism and Feminist Political Thought In U.S. Women's Suffrage Fiction, 1856-1891, Rachel Snyder
‘What’s Hecuba to him?’: Acting and Identity, Dympna Callaghan
Second-Person Surveillance: Politics of User Implication in Digital Documentaries, Elizabeth Gleesing
Novel Epidemics: Contagion and Metaphor in US Literature, Maxwell Clement Cassity
Hell's Black Intelligencers: Representing Clandestine Labor on the Early Modern Stage, Evan Alexander Hixon
'Play the Book Again': Towards a Systems Approach to Game Adaptation, Johnathan Sanders
Dalit Women, Anti-caste Aesthetics, and the Politics of Representation, Ruma Sinha
"Man Delights Not Me; No, Nor Woman Neither": Asexuality in Early-modern Literature, Ashley O'Mara
Medical Liberty and Alternative Health Practices in Nineteenth-century Britain, Haejoo Kim
Cultivating an Ethos of Refusal: What it Takes to (Un)Teach a Student Like Me, Yanira Rodrguez
Prison Sights: Carceral Counter-Visions in Documentary Film, Christopher R. Barnes
Romantic Legalism, Adam Kozaczka
Commodification of Blackness in Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing and Jordan Peele’s Get Out, Nicholas Blauner
Materiality and Minority Representation in Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Julia Leyden
History's Perilous Pleasures: Experiencing Antiquity in the Postwar Hollywood Epic, Thomas Jefferson West III
American Space Monkeys: Analyzing Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club as a Transmedia Text through Fan Appropriations and Commoditization, Danielle Bertolini
Resisting Borders, Resisting Control Examining the multiplicity of identities in A Map of Home and The Girl in The Tangerine Scarf, Zainab Abdali
Resisting Borders, Resisting Control: Examining the multiplicity of identities in A Map of Home and The Girl in The Tangerine Scarf, Zainab Abdali
Wifely Figures: Gender, Marriage, and Biblical Typology in Early Modern England, Melissa Welshans
Transgressive Tears: Performance and the Melodramatic Unruly Woman, Staci Stutsman
Contested Spaces: Spatial Discourses and the Struggle for Power in the Early Modern English Empire, Emily O'Hara
Modesty and Manliness: Gendered Truth-Telling in Herodotus, Jennifer Shulman
The Treatment of Sexual Violence and Reclaimed Agency in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus and The Rape of Lucrece, Lily Sarkisian
Transnational Genre Hybridity and the British Horror Film, 2002-2012, Lindsey Decker
Unusual Children: Queerishness and Strange Growth in A Wrinkle in Time and The Giver, Olivia Morris
Learning to Flip the Framework: A Multigenre, Autoethnographic Account of One Student's Experience with Gradual Release of Responsibility, Julie Theresa Saltisiak
Contesting Victorian Beliefs: The Unintended Effects of Victorian Novels, Christina Barquin
Exposing Narrative Ideologies of Victimhood in Emma Donaghue’s Room and Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl, Meredith Jeffers
Imperfect Imitations: A Novel, Mary Salmonsen
Assertive Fictions: Arguments and Audiences of the Postwar Social Problem Film, 1944-1954, Steven Doles
Paradoxically Progressive: The Red Progressives and the Creation of a Modern Native American Subjectivity, Corey J. Dosch
Insurgent Imaginations: Culture, Postcolonial Planetarity and Maoism in India, Auritro Majumder
180 Degrees Away, Megan Daniels
The Evolution of The Legend of King Arthur, Krista Dayle Staropoli
Déjà Viewed: Nation, Gender, and Genre in Bollywood Remakes of Hollywood Cinema, Gohar Siddiqui
Peripheral Knowledge: The Witch, the Magus, and the Mountebank on the Early Modern Stage, Rinku Chatterjee
Landscaping India: From Colony to Postcolony, Sandeep Banerjee
Coming Home: Mobile Women, Non-Linear Temporalities, South Asian Diasporic Texts, Soumitree Gupta
Jailbreakers, Villains, and Vampires: Representations of Criminality in Early-Victorian Popular Texts, Elizabeth Fay Stearns
The Uncertainty of National and Cultural Identity in Salman Rushdie’s East, West and Midnight’s Children, Tress Klassen
The Body Machinic: Technology, Labor, and Mechanized Bodies in Victorian Culture, Jessica Kuskey
A Kiss with a Fist is Better Than None: Violence and Sexuality in The Maltese Falcon and The Big Sleep, Julie Nascone
Constructing Depth through Jane: Contemporary Interactions between Austen and Interiority, Nicole Catherine Peters
Counter-Reformation: the Search for a Unified John Donne, Bailey Susan Fitzgerald
Here, From the Passenger Seat: A Novel, Emma June DeMilta
Penance: A Novel, Rachel Anne Weiser
Crossroads: A Novella, Patricia Ann-Marie Abraham
Hero/Heroine: A Study of the Representation of Womanhood in Victorian and Neo-Victorian Literature, Laura DePalma
Poetry Fix - Episode 20 - Weldon Kees - 1926, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 19 - Lux - Tarantulas on the Lifebuoy, Mary Karr
Guilty Looks: The Pains and Pleasures of Liberal Reform in Late-Victorian Britain, Tanushree Ghosh
Heroine Abuse: Feminism, Femininity and the Female Action Hero, Cristina Lucia Stasia
In the name of the father Lacanian reading of four white South African writers, Obiwu Iwuanyanwu
Poetry Fix - Episode 10 - Matthews - Cheap Seats, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 11 - Hayes - Talk, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 12 - Baseball Edition, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 13 - Oliver- Wild Geese, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 14 - Keats - This Living Hand, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 15 - Transtromer - Street Crossing - Face to Face, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 16 - McHugh - I Knew I'd Sing, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 3 - Neruda - Walking Around, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 4 - Stevens - Rabbit as King of the Ghosts, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 5 - Gluck - Mock Orange, Mary Karr
Poetry FIx - Episode 7 - Frost - Once by the Pacific, Mary Karr
Poetry FIx - Episode 8 - Parra - Piano Solo, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 9 - Heaney - Digging, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 18 - Milosz - Late Ripeness, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 1 - Robert Hass - Old Dominion, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 2 - Archilochos - Liar, Mary Karr
Poetry Fix - Episode 17 - Milosz - On Prayer - And Yet the Books, Mary Karr
“Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision”: Carroll's Use of Mathematics and Literature to Critique Victorian Britain., Diana Schneider
The Connection Between Humans and Things in Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, Allison Polster
Back to the fifties: Pop nostalgia in the Reagan Era, Michael D. Dwyer
The suspension of (dis)belief: Novel and Bible in Victorian society, Jonathan David Singleton
Toward a literary geography: Space and social consequence in U.S. fiction, 1900--1920, Rachel Ann Collins
A Crucial Juncture: The Paracosmic Approach to the Private Worlds of Lewis Carroll and the Brontës, Kristin Petrella
Becoming a Boy: Disability & Masculinity in Rodman Philbrick’s Freak the Mighty, Courtney Cohen
Blocked: Short Story Manuscript, Christopher Hazle-Cary
Governing Boyhood in the Novels of George MacDonald and Robert Louis Stevenson, Meredith Louise Hale
More Than Meets the Eye: Technique and Themes in the Poetry of Raymond Carver, Fletcher W.H. Schmidt
Descartes' daughters: Thinking-machines and the emergence of posthuman complexity, Dawn E. Lausa
Representations of colonial intimacy in Anglo-Indian narratives, Nandini Sengupta
A Director's Guide to the Galaxy: Navigating the Drama of a Performance Organization, Shaina Rosenthal
Catch a Fire Catch Afire: An Understanding of Distance and Its Meaning, Luciana Amodeo
Four Short Stories about a Four Letter Word, Michelle Tan-Torres
Jane Austen Film Adaptations, Fan Fiction, and Contemporary Anglo-American Culture, Rebecka Schaber
Women's self-writing and medical science: Harriet Martineau, Charlotte Bronte, Harriet Jacobs, and Elizabeth Stoddard, Sarah L. Russo
George Saunders, Raymond Carver Reading Series, December 5, 2007, George Saunders
Christopher Kennedy, Raymond Carver Reading Series, November 4, 2007, Christopher Kennedy
Editing Shakespeare Violence, Text and Commodity in The Taming of the Shrew, Kathryn E. Vomero
Motherhood and the Political Project of Queer Indian Cinema, Bryce J. Renninger