Final portfolio evaluation in student teaching: A view from the inside

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Leadership


Gerald M. Mager


Portfolio evaluation, Student teaching

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development


The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how, if at all, teaching portfolios contributed to the final evaluation of student teachers in an undergraduate teacher preparation program. Final evaluation of student teaching is important because this process controls the entry of student teachers into the profession (Guyton and McIntyre, 1990).

During the spring semester of 1995, student teaching triads from the teacher preparation program were purposefully sampled. Data were collected from two sources: final three-way conferences and follow-up interviews. Videotape data were collected during each triad's final three-way conference. These meetings were conducted during the last two weeks of student teaching. Edited videotapes of final three-way conferences were later presented to participants during structured follow-up interviews. During these interviews, participants responded to open-ended questions. These interviews were recorded on audiotape and transcribed.

Data from five triads were organized into triad profiles and inductively analyzed. The analysis yielded themes that illuminated student teacher, cooperating teacher, and college supervisor interpretations of: (1) portfolio mechanics, (2) purpose and expectations for portfolio assessment and evaluation, and (3) internal standards and external evidence used to judge student teacher performance. The study determined that teacher educators might consider the following issues when embarking on portfolio assessment projects: (1) the purpose and function of a teaching portfolio, (2) professional development for triad members who use portfolios, and (3) devising and scheduling evaluative activities to optimize portfolio implementation. Findings suggest that future research might focus on public portfolio reviews, preservice teacher reflection during portfolio assessment procedures, and teachers' evolving attitudes toward self-assessment.


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