Social History of Practical Pan-Africanism and the Education of Teachers in Africa Including a Pilot Study of Factors Affecting the Willingness of Njala University College Teacher Trainees to Teach in Other African Countries

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Leadership


John T. Mallan


Teacher education, Sierra Leone, Pan-African ideology, Salaries, Socio-economic conditions, African Unity

Subject Categories



Political socialization studies in Africa have consistently shown teachers and schools to be significant agents for transmitting social, cultural, and political values (Koff and Von Der Muhll, 1967; Dawson, Prewitt, and Dawson, 1969). Authoritative opinions also confirm that teachers and schools are significant socialization agents (Selassie, 1963; Wandira, 1970; Allport, 1954).

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to provide a social history of teacher education and its associations with the movement for Practical Pan-Africanism; (2) to conduct a pilot study aiming to describe the background characteristics of teacher trainees at Njala University College in Sierra Leone.

The central concerns of the pilot study were: Are the teacher trainees at Njala University College willing to teach elsewhere in Africa? That is, are they willing to practice Practical Pan-Africanism? If so, which are the factors that might be related to their willingness?

Analysis of returns of survey questionaires indicated that the male, single people, and those thirty years or less were found to be willing to teach elsewhere in Africa as opposed to the female, married, and those above thirty years of age. It was further suggested that more of those with completed secondary education were willing to teach in other African countries.

The perception of higher salaries, better socio-economic conditions in other African countries, the desire to change one's environment, and Pan-African ideology, etc. were submitted as encouraging them to teach in other African countries. Parental obligations, the fear of being a foreigner in another African country, and the obligation to the government of Sierra Leone, etc. were expressed as inhibiting factors.

The study recommends government increase teachers' salaries, use the media to enhance the prestige of teachers, and establish teacher-exchange programs to enhance African Unity.

Based on the social history of African education, recommendations are made for the establishment of institutions specifically for the enhancement of African unity. Government policies and types of research to facilitate the input of teachers towards African unity are recommended.


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