The Jane Rand story: A case study of an elementary vocal music teacher

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Leadership


Ruth V. Brittin


Rand, Jane, elementary school teachers, vocal music

Subject Categories

Elementary Education and Teaching


This case study of an elementary vocal music teacher investigated her values, activities, and perceptions through qualitative methods. The purpose of the case study of Jane Rand, pseudonym, was to carefully examine her understanding of her role as an elementary vocal music teacher as viewed from the context where she worked at "Jones Elementary School." Participant observation and interviews over a five-year period were used to gain insights into how one music teacher negotiates her day, accomplishes her goals, confronts opposition, and perceives her role as music teacher. The study is about Jane Rand and her perceptions, and is intentionally limited to such, but it is also grounded in the literature of contemporary music education in America. The study is framed in the practice of music education as music performance, and a discussion of excellence.

Elementary music teachers have traditionally been considered "the break" for classroom teachers. Jane Rand's perspective shows how she struggles to make her program equally important to that of other subjects. The data reveals how she handles budget cuts that affect her program, pressure from parents about racial balance in the choirs, and inclusion of children with special needs. She provides the experience of singing in a chorus for every child in the school, as well as auditioned choirs for those who demonstrate advanced skill. Her repertoire reflects the Western art music, American gospel, folk, and jazz; and world musics with emphasis on African singing, dancing, and drumming. The study reveals how she has been influenced by the American children's choir movement. Findings indicate a story rich in detail about the complex nature of teaching elementary vocal music through music performance.


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