"A little inconvenience": Perspectives of Bengali families of children with disabilities on inclusion and disability

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Leadership


Douglas P. Biklen


Special education, Cultural anthropology, Families & family life, Personal relationships, Sociology, india

Subject Categories

Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to learn about the perspectives of Bengali families of children with disabilities on disability and their experiences in enhancing the inclusion of their children within their families, neighborhoods and communities. The study was based on qualitative methodology where the researchers are interested in the subject's frame of reference (Bogdan & Biklen, 1982) and the insider's perspective (Fetterman, 1988). Data were collected through extensive interviews and participant observations with eight families over a period of ten months. Findings indicate that families often devise their own indigenous strategies of implementing inclusion. Their focus on the "humanness" of the child, their views on labelling, their broader definitions of "normalcy" and "intelligence" form a significant aspect of their efforts to educate their community and create inclusion for their children. Findings of this study have implications for efforts to augment the inclusion of people with disabilities in India.


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