Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Marty Blake

Second Advisor

Brian Sheehan


advertising;illustration;tourism;visual communication

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


In the new era dominated by visual culture, the realm of tourism increasingly relies on artistic tales to brand and market destinations. The power of storytelling, intertwined with art, can invite viewers to create psychological and emotional connections with corners of the world yet unexplored. This thesis explores the profound role of visual narratives in tourism advertising, revealing how they forge emotional and psychological connections between viewers and unexplored places. From the historical roots of advertising in ancient civilizations to the modern digital age, visual narratives have evolved to meet the changing desires of travelers, emphasizing authenticity and immersive experiences. For instance, the historical allure of destinations has been magnified through visual storytelling, enriching the travel experience with cultural depth and emotional resonance. Moreover, the advent of multimedia in tourism advertising has enabled marketers to craft compelling stories that captivate and inspire global audiences. In the practical examination of cemetery tourism, this study uncovers the potential of unconventional themes to challenge stereotypes and engage travelers in unique narratives. Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates that visual narratives are crucial in shaping the identity of destinations and influencing tourist behavior, providing valuable insights for marketers, designers, and researchers in the field of visual communication and branding strategies.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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