Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Ginnie Hsu

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


The author's own spirited and unconventional childhood defied societal norms, challenging conventional expectations for a young girl. In the name of love, their parents endeavored to guide them towards a more reserved and compliant path. Drawing from these personal experiences, this research aims to unravel the intricate fabric of emotional expression within East Asian families and its profound impact on familial relationships and individual psychological well-being through the lens of artistic works. These themes of love and control frequently surface in the creations of East Asian artists, providing a unique perspective to deepen our understanding of the complex emotional dynamics within these families. This paper embarks on a comprehensive analysis of selected East Asian artistic works, delving into how these pieces illuminate the dynamics of love and control. The objective is to offer a deeper insight into emotional expression in East Asian families, casting light on its significant influence on familial relationships and individual psychological well-being.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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