Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art Photography


Douglas DuBois



Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


My research and artistic practice explore how queerness can offer a liberatory framework for confronting intergenerational cycles of grief that reinforce the dual closets of emotional and sexual repression. Rooted in my own family’s history of traumatic loss, I explore the dialectics of memory and identity in my project The Girls. I explore how closeting operates in families and archives through several theoretical frameworks, with perspectives from Marianne Hirsch, bell hooks, and Michael Foucault’s History of Sexuality. By investigating the gendered roles imposed by the traditional family gaze, religion, and shame, the text examines how photography, archives, and performance can be used as methodologies for resistance. The final section outlines how I resist closeting through my art, drawing on Judith Butler’s concept of gender performativity, Jack Halberstam’s writings on female masculinity, and the role queer pleasure and community play in resistant counternarratives.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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