Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




Robert Dacey

Second Advisor

Ginnie Hsu

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


This article explores how individuals can achieve spiritual freedom in the face of adversity and the twists of fate, drawing inspiration from the famous ancient Chinese poet Su Shi's First Visit to the Red Cliff. The thesis will work in two directions: first, from a philosophical and Buddhist perspective, it analyzes Su Shi's path to self-redemption during the creation of First Visit to the Red Cliff. Second, it combines my own experiences and dialogue with Su Shi in my artworks. The thesis takes both Su Shi's and my perspectives, using Su Shi's challenges in his life as a starting point to research into the timeless theme of spiritual freedom in the context of survival. In summary, this article uses First Visit to the Red Cliff as an example to explore self-redemption from philosophical and Buddhist perspectives. Through the creation of a picture book based on First Visit to the Red Cliff, it presents a series of thoughts and details to the audience.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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