The Tug of Identity: Arabization in Sudan and Tunisia, Ulla Abusabib
Examining the Extent of Exculsionary Zoning Practices in Northern Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania using the Surrick Fair Share Test, Isabella Brown
Affordable Housing in New York City: Policies Towards Increasing Supply, Eliana Cestero
Colonial Legacies: A Study of Queer Erasure in Sexual Helath Policies in Chile, 1973-1990, Sophie Clinton
Anti-Indigenous Sentiment and Right-Wing Ideational Populism in Araucanía, Chile, Megan Cooper
Bluewashing: The Blue Econom,y as an Avenue for Resource Exploitation in the "New Arctic", Sophia Darsch
Denmark's Climate Efforts: Can the Rest of Europe Achieve the Same Success?, Kate Davignon
Exploring the Impact and Effectiveness of Syracuse University's Summer Bridge Program (SummerStart) in Preparing Incoming Students for College Success: A Participant-Centered Perspective, Madelin De Jesus Martinez
From New York to Yunnan: Comparative Perspectives on Poverty Alleviation Policies and Initiatives, Xinyi (Julie) Dou
Characteristics of Local News Media Coverage of Guns: How State Politics and Geographic Region Impact Online News, Rachel Eisenman
Determinants of Public Opinion on the U.S. Supreme Court, Alexi Farnes
Improving Career and Technicaql Education for All Students: A Study of CTE Programs at Two High Schools, Valerie Goldstein
Assessing the Future of Sustainable Agriculture in Syracuse, New York, MJ Gray
An Exploratory Study Examining Germany’s Integration Processes of Syrian Refugees into Society – Multiculturalism or a Post-Migrant Society?, Chloe Hanley Kempken
Sustainability in Higher Education: The State of Sustainability at Syracuse University, Kaitlin LaRosa
New York Charging Network Planning Suggestions (2026-2030), Zhuangdao Li
Free and Equal?: Human Rights Violations in Afghanistan, Belarus, and the United States, Kennedy Snyder
21st Century Right Wing Rhetoric Evolution and the Effects of Populism, Hannah Starorypinski
Money and Justice: How Does the Wealth of an Individual Effect Their Opinions on the Justice System?, William Treloar
Deconstructing the Gender Enrollment Gap in Higher Education, Christopher Bezdedeanu
Parole Revocation as a Contributor to Mass Incarceration in New York and Texas: A Comparative Analysis, Elena Biglan
A Comparative Analysis of Municipal Policy in the United States for the Inclusion of Undocumented Immigrants, Anna Blackwood
Separate But Unequal: Why Segregation in Schools is Still Very Real An Ethnogrpahic Case Study, Dara Drake
The Decline of Economic Voting in United States Midterm Elections Due to Polarization: Does Economic Performance No Longer Impact Vote Choice?, Evan Greenberg
Feeding Obession: The Entangled Interconnectedness of Social Media, Algorithms, Technology, and Eating Behaviors, Kaitlyn Jackmin
Should Water be Commodified? An Analysis of Government Regulation of Corporate Access to U.S. Water Supplies, Mandalin Marcell
Should Water be Commodified? An Analysis of Government Regulation of Corporate Access to U.S. Water Supplies, Mandalin Marcell
Neoliberalism, Changing Ownership, and Parity in the English Premier League, Arjun Menon
The Persistance of Settler Colonialism in the Americas: The Political Thought Behind Colonization, Olivia Porter
Social Emotional Learning Programs for Urban, Low-Income Elementary Schools, Mary Skuthan
Addressing the Rural Doctor Shortage Through Influence Marketing, Louis Smith
Ensuring Healthy and Informed Youth: Advocating for Comprehensive Sexual Education in New York State K-12 Public Schools, Joanna Claire Vines
Demilitarization in Defense of Black First Amaendment Rights: A Comparative Policy Analysis, Hailey Williams
Voting While Black in South Carolina, Isabella Wilson
Analyzing the Effects of Incarceration and Role of Reentry Programs on Political Participation, Elizabeth Barash
Give Me Science or Give Me Death! How Expressed Distrust in Scientists Impacts Individual Behavior, Ava Breitbeck
Understanding Youth Trust in Elections, Gretchen Coleman
American Drug Policy Reform Through a Rehabilitative Lens, Jordan Dacus
The Role of Campus Speech and How Mainstream Media is Important to This Ongoing Debate, Emily Diamond
The Built Environment of Military Installation and Automobile Dependency: A Case Study of Form Drum, New York, Jeffrey Estes
Crisis Management: Public Administration Through the COVID-19 Pandemic in Massachusetts Municipalities, Rosalyn Impink
Policing and Police Reform in the United States, Connor Muldoon
A Comparative Analysis of Global Cryptocurency Regulation, Collin Rigley
Comparing Federal and Institutional Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy, Erin Sheffield
Transforming Education: A Digital Toolkit for Student Success, David Williams
Examining Participation in NATO and EU Security Operations, Celina Carranti
Sentiment Analysis on Tweets About Climate Change: Accepters, Deniers, and Others, Jennifer Glass
The Impact of State-Level Energy Policies on Energy Comsumption Portfolios Regarding Renewable Energy Sources, Christian Pilarski
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Organization: how 2020 has Changed Corporate Culture for Years to Come, Syliva Probst
Unveiling the Digital Divide in the United States, Emmet Raichle
Youth Civic Engagement in the California State Social Studies K-12 Education, Sofia Rossi
Responsibility Framing: Environmental Behavior and Beliefs, Rachel Ameen
Mental Health Policy in Vermont Middle Schools, Johanna Arnott
Framing Opposition to Renewable Energy in U.S. States, Margaret Fitzgerald
Amnesty for Help Seeking Behaviors: A Preliminary Review of Implementation History and Administrative Burden, Kyle Rosenblum
What’s to Blame and Whose Voices are Heard: How The New York Times Covers School Shootings, Lindsay Jensen Finman
Research On Youth Government Organizations, Daniel McMurray
Research on Youth Government Organizations, Daniel McMurray
Neoliberalism: A Populist Crisis of Conscience, Ryan Mullins
Neoliberalism: A Populist Crisis of Conscience, Ryan Mullins
How will the restoration of ex-felons' voting rights in Florida affect their citizenship?, Rebecca Spraggins
How will the restoration of ex-felons’ voting rights in Florida affect their citizenship?, Rebecca Spraggins
The Effects of Gender and Apology on Evaluations of Political Misconduct, Julia Trainor
The Effects of Gender and Apology on Evaluations of Political Misconduct, Julia Trainor
The Espionage Act Versus Whistleblowers and the Public Interest, Damyre Benjamin
Federal Circuit Courts’ Impact on Immigration Reform: An Analysis of Judicial Ideology and Immigration Policy, Evanna Ojeda
Bitcoin, Blockchain and Trust, Quentin Rene Marcel Rosso
All Politics is Local: How the South Became Republican, Alexander Amico
Proxy Conflict Turned Civil Crisis: Understanding Syrian Political Movements to United States Foreign Policy, Katherine Barymow
Politics of Exclusion: An Analysis of the Intersections of Marginalized Identities and the Olympic Industry, Emily Bonzagni
The Rise of Panarchy, Connor Hakan
A Content Analysis of the 2014 Immigration Crisis Media Coverage: An Intergroup Threat Theory Approach on the Age of Immigrants, Carolee Lantigua
The Influence of Values and Recipient Groups on Social Welfare Policy Opinion, Christopher Pulliam
Political Ideology and Feelings Towards Feminism: Why Young People Reject the Feminist Label, Raychel Renna
"Why Girls?": A Content Analysis of the #BringBackOurGirls Movement and the Transnational Significance of the Chibok Girls, Halima Shehu
Welcoming the Stranger: African Refugees and Israel’s Asylum Regime, David Kimelman
The Israeli Vagabond: An Analysis of Israel's Hilltop Youth Movement, Laura Singer
Afghan Narcoterrorism: The Problem, its Origins, and Why International Law Enforcement Should Fight It, Steven Fantigrossi
Partisanship Has a Price: Citizens United and Political Partisanship in the US House of Representatives, Sean Kennedy
Beyond State Boundaries: A Comparative Analysis between States on Domestic Violence, Ashlee Newman
First Ladies in the Press: Analysis of New York Times coverage of Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, and Michelle Obama, Siddra Shah
“Chinese Chess” – A Proposed United States Policy to Denuclearize The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Jolene Sproviero
Personal Wealth and Legislator Voting Ideology, Bo Stewart
The Fire This Time: Assessing the Scalability of Supportive Service Programs for Young Men of Color, a case study, Ronald James-Terry Taylor
Water Politics in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Path Forward?, Zachary Zeliff
Textbook Alternatives: Faculty Approaches to Reducing Student Costs for Required Course Materials, Ashley Klair Burke
Visualizing the "Hermit Kingdom" Graphing, Mapping, and Analyzing the 2008 North Korean Census, Molly Linhorst
Wing-Nut: A Mobile Political Magazine for Millennials, Eric Lyons
Chilean Media and Public Opinion (1973-2013), Tara Schoenborn
The Singapore Opposition: “Credibility” – The Primary Impediment to Coalition Building, Brian Steinberg
State 194: Assessing the Institutional Capacity of the Palestinian Authority as the Foundation for an Independent State, Amanda Lynna Claypool
In-Group Bias—Coloring Public Opinion and Spurring Public Backlash: A Comparative Analysis of Affirmative Action and Title IX, Samuel Joseph Knehans
Modern Libertarian: Philosophy An Uncertain Lineage, Ian Ludd
Why American Voters Decide to Vote for Third Parties in Presidential Elections, Harmen Rockler