Bound Volume Number


Degree Type

Honors Capstone Project

Date of Submission

Spring 5-5-2015

Capstone Advisor

Dr. Rebecca Howard

Honors Reader

Dr. Eileen Schell

Capstone Major

Writing Program

Audio/Visual Component



summer camp, personal narrative

Capstone Prize Winner


Won Capstone Funding


Honors Categories


Subject Categories

Other Rhetoric and Composition


After the school year ends, many students have the freedom to choose how they would like to spend their summer. Internships have become an increasingly popular option for students who seek to improve their resumes and boost their chances of landing a job out of college. This project, however, takes a look at one of the major alternatives to an internship, the summer camp counselor job, in order to demonstrate what it is exactly that camp counselors do and why this job has been critical to the success of so many individuals. Although this project does attempt to place value on the camp counselor position and persuade students to at least consider this as a viable summer option, the purpose of this project is not to bash the internship experience. Rather, through six first-person interview stories of individuals who either work or have worked at Camp Seneca Lake, this project concludes that both an internship and a camp counselor job are highly valuable, albeit in their own ways, and that students should consider both when thinking about summer goals and what they hope to accomplish. Though some of the first-person narratives place emphasis on the importance of the internship experience in terms of gaining credentials and landing a job, all of the stories clearly show the value of working at summer camp and how a camp counselor job can translate to so-called “real world” success. As such, this project hopes to complicate the often times far too simple decision for students to seek summer internships, and it encourages students to truly think about how the camp counselor job may benefit them in their search for future employment.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.



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