
Marini Amalia Mansur

Document Type





Nutrition transition has been observed in Indonesia in the past decades along with the change in social economic development. This review aims to identify the increase in the prevalence of overweight adolescents in South Sulawesi, Indonesia and dietary behaviors that might cause this phenomenon. It was found that the prevalence of overweight adolescents (age 13-15 years old) was increased from 1.6% in 2010 to 15.5% in 2023 and from 0.9% in 2010 to 12.9% in 2023 for adolescents aged 16-18 years old. Furthermore, many adolescents were found to have unhealthy dietary behavior, such as inadequate fruit and vegetables consumption and frequent consumption of energy dense foods. Further study on dietary behavior and its association with nutrition transition among adolescents in South Sulawesi is needed to develop appropriate intervention.



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