Employee-Based Versus Employer-Based Subsidies to Low-Wage Workers: A Public Finance Perspective, Stacy Dickert-Conlin and Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Exploring the Effect of Welfare Reform Implementation on the Attainment of Policy Goals: An Examination of Michigan's Counties, Jodi Sandfort
Horatio Alger Meets the Mobility Tables, Douglas Holt-Eakin, Harvey S. Rosen, and Robert Weathers
Who Minimum Wage Increases Bite: An Analysis Using Monthly Data from the SIPP and CPS, Richard V. Burkhauser, Kenneth A. Couch, and David C. Wittenburg
How the Fruits of Growth Were Distributed Among Working-Age Families in the United States and Germany in the 1980s, Richard V. Burkhauser, Amy D. Crews, and Mary C. Daly
Expensive Children in Poor Families: Out-of-Pocket Expenditures for the Care of Disabled and Chronically Ill Children and Welfare Reform, Anna Lukemeyer, Marcia K. Meyers, and Timothy M. Smeeding
The Cost of Caring: Childhood Disability and Poor Families, Marcia K. Meyers, Anna Lukemeyer, and Timothy M. Smeeding
Recounting Winners and Losers in the 1980s: A Critique of Income Distribution Measurement Methodology, Richard V. Burkhauser, Amy D. Crews, and Mary C. Daly
Work, Welfare, and the Burden of Disability: Caring for Special Needs of Children in Poor Families, Marcia K. Meyers, Anna Lukemeyer, and Timothy M. Smeeding
Putting the Minimum Wage Debate in a Historical Context: Card and Krueger Meet George Stigler, Richard V. Burkhauser, Kenneth A. Couch, and David Wittenburg
Slow Motion: Economic Mobility of Young Workers in the 1970s and 1980s, Greg J. Duncan, Johanne Boisjoly, and Timothy M. Smeeding
Labor Earnings and Household Income Mobility in Reunified Germany: A Comparison of the Eastern and Western States, Richard Hauser and Holger Fabig
Transitions Between Child Care Arrangements for German Pre-Schoolers, Jan Ondrich and C. Katharina Spiess
Public Policies for the Working Poor: The Earned Income Tax Credit Versus Minimum Wage Legislation, Richard V. Burkhauser and Andrew J. Glenn
A Cautionary Tale of European Disability Policies: Lessons for the United States, Leo Arts, Richard V. Burkhauser, and Philip de Jong
Disability or Work: Handicap Policy Choices, Richard V. Burkhauser
The Importance of Employer Accommodation on the Job Duration of Workers with Disabilities: A Hazard Model Approach, Richard V. Burkhauser, J.S. Butler, and Yang Woo Kim
Modeling Application for Disability Insurance as a Retirement Decision: A Hazard Model Approach Using Choice-Based Sampling, Richard V. Burkhauser, J.S. Butler, Yang Woo Kim, and George A. Slotsve
How People With Disabilities Fare When Public Policies Change--Past, Present, and Future, Richard V. Burkhauser, Robert H. Haveman, and Barbara L. Wolfe
W(h)ither the Middle Class? A Dynamic View, Greg J. Duncan; Timothy M, Smeeding; and Willard Rodgers