Have 401(k)s Raised Household Savings? Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study, Gary V. Engelhart
Pre-Retirement Lump-Sum Pension Distributions and Retirement Income Security: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study, Gary V. Engelhart
Chasing the Elderly: Can State and Local Governments Attract Recent Retirees?, William Duncombe, Mark Robbins, and Douglas A. Wolf
Patterns of Time use of People Age 55 to 64 Years Old: Some Cross-National Comparisons, Anne H. Gauthier and Timothy M. Smeeding
Association between Body Size and Mortality in Later Life, Christine L. Himes
Estimating the Income Effect on Retirement, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, David Joulfaian, and Harvey S. Rosen
Stability and Change in the Living Arrangements of Older Italian Women, 1990-1995, Cecilia Tomassini and Douglas A. Wolf
Traditionality, Modernity, and Household Composition: Parent-Child Coresidence in Contemporary Turkey, Hakan Aykan and Douglas A. Wolf
Elderly Migration and State Fiscal Policy: Evidence from the 1990 Census Migration Flows+, Karen S. Conway and Andrew J. Houtenville
When Random Group Effects are Cross-Correlated: An Application to Elderly Migration Flow Models, Karen S. Conway and Andrew J. Houtenville
Residential Choices and Prospective Risks of Nursing Home Entry, Kenneth A. Couch and Duke Kao
Intergenerational Co-Residence and Children's Incomes, Thomas A. Dunn and John W. Phillips
Coresidence with an Older Mother: The Adult Child's Perspective, Beth Soldo, Douglas A. Wolf, and Vicki A. Freedman