Volume 10-11 (1998-1999)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Dressed to Kill: Jade Beads and Pendants in the Maya Lowlands
David M. Pendergast
Stone Beads and their Imitations
Robert K. Liu
Melanau Bead Culture: A Vanishing World?
Heidi Munan
A History of Gem Beadmaking in Idar-Oberstein
Si Frazier, Ann Frazier, and Glenn Lehrer
A Brief History of Drills and Drilling
A. John Gwinnett and Leonard Gorelick
Venetian Beads
Frank Hird
Progress and Problems in Recent Trade Bead Research
Richard G. Conn
End Matter

Officers for 1998
- President
- Jeffrey M. Mitchem
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Lester A. Ross
- Editor
- Karlis Karklins
Editorial Advisory
- Roderick Sprague, chair
- Christopher DeCorse
- Marvin T. Smith
- Karlis Karklins, chair
- Norman F. Barka
- Alice Scherer
- Douglas D. Scott