"Reviews and End Matter"

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Reviews and End Matter


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Beads and Bead Makers: Gender, Material Culture, and Meaning, Lidia D. Sciama and Joanne B. Eicher (eds.) (1998), reviewed by Carole Morris

Glasperlen Christbaumschmuck/Glass Bead Christmas Tree Ornaments, by Waltraud Neuwirth (1995), reviewed by Karlis Karklins

Perlern: Archaologie, Techniken, Analysen, Uta von Freeden and Alfried Wieczorek (eds.) (1997), reviewed by Frank Siegmund

Das awarenzeitliche Graberfeld von Halimba. Das Awarische Corpus. Beihefte V, by Gyula Török (1998), reviewed by Katalin Szilagyi

Little Chief's Gatherings, by James A. Hanson (1996), reviewed by Karlis Karklins.

Publisher Information

The Society of Bead Researchers is a non-profit scientific-educational corporation founded in 1981 to foster historical, archaeological, and material cultural research on beads and beadwork of all materials and periods, and to expedite the dissemination of the resultant knowledge. Membership is open to all persons involved in the study of beads, as well as those interested in keeping abreast of current trends in bead research.



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