
Justin Difabritis

Document Type

Thesis Prep


Fall 12-2022


poetic architecture, memorials, monuments, tombs, Sabina Tanovic's design memory




Architectural History and Criticism | Architecture | Historic Preservation and Conservation | Other Architecture


Architecture + poetry are powerful forms of creativity, both exemplifying beauty, symbolism, emotion, and experience through structure + form. This thesis is interested in poetic architecture and its ability to not only narrate, represent, symbolize, or express, but also eternalize, the story of groups, individuals, and events.

Through the analysis of, but not limited to, memorials, tombs, and monuments, a deeper architectural understanding will be offered, one of architecture’s ability to emotionally affect others as a means of remembrance.

This research will focus on the literal + symbolic narrative and experience of the LGBTQ+ victims of the holocaust, placing a special emphasis on the lack of this documented history. As discussed in Sabina Tanovic’s Designing Memory: The Architecture of Commemoration in Europe, 1914 to the Present, Henri Lefebvre theorized that a place becomes part of an identity through experience1. This memorial is therefore intended to reclaim and reveal the buried identity through the collection, analysis and abstraction of existing narratives. The ability to not only evoke acknowledgement, but also emotion, is unique to memorials. The combination of evocation of emotion therefore builds a sense of belonging, or finally, a concrete place of remembrance for those who never received full liberation.



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