Host art teachers and their feedback to student teachers during student teaching practicum

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Teaching and Leadership


Hope Irvine


Art teachers, Feedback, Student teaching, Practicum, Host teachers

Subject Categories

Other Teacher Education and Professional Development


The feedback host teachers provide to student teachers is an important component in the professional development of teachers. Yet, other than anecdotal accounts, little is known about feedback experiences encountered by host art teachers. What challenges do they face? How do their beliefs and experiences influence their feedback practices? How do they put their understandings of feedback into practice? To examine these issues, this qualitative study utilized in-depth interviewing, participate observation and document collection to investigate attitudes, experiences and nature of practice of five Syracuse University art education host teachers with regard to addressing feedback with student teachers.

Host teachers' narratives along with basic descriptive data provided a snap shot of their perspectives and practices in providing feedback to student teachers. Host teachers described their experiences, the challenges they faced, and how they learned to provide feedback. Analysis of interviews and supporting documents shows that generally, the participating teachers voiced that the purpose of feedback was to provide support for student teachers' success. However, although host teachers shared common perspectives about the function of feedback, the complex nature of their practice was unique and dynamic. Also noted was the lack of support regarding appropriate time for feedback conferences and adequate professional development focused on host art teacher training.

These findings raise questions about the ways host art teachers make use of their experiences, beliefs and perceptions in providing feedback to student teachers and how teacher educators can better assist them to balance technical practice with feedback demands.


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