Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Food Studies


Anne Bellows


Agriculture Africa developing countries;Civil society Organizations Mozambique;Food Security Food Systems Brazil Japan;Gender developing economy SUSTENTA ProSAVANA PRODECER;International development Agrarian reform;Policy-making Women Nampula

Subject Categories

Agriculture | Life Sciences


When food security and sovereignty are viewed from a gendered lens, critical questions arise concerning inclusive participation in food systems. While policymaking is pivotal in ensuring gender parity in these systems, the lack of stakeholder engagement and buy-in during the policy design process hinders governmental efforts to create and implement policies that effectively ensure food and nutritional security for all. This research examines agricultural productivity, food security, land tenure, and stakeholder engagement in the context of SUSTENTA project in Nampula. The methodology adopts a qualitative approach, incorporating data from semi-structured interviews, featuring predefined questions and topics and a thorough literature review. The implementation of SUSTENTA in Mozambique has resulted in agricultural GDP growth of 7.4%, despite an increase in moderate food insecurity rates from 68.4% to 73.7%. Therefore, interviewees highlight simultaneously recognizing and addressing cultural and agroecological needs as a crucial initial step towards formulating more effective policies to combat the severe food insecurity in Mozambique. It is also crucial to assess whether investments align with the specific requirements of the target population, emphasizing the importance of tailored solutions within the local context. Furthermore, transparency is essential for streamlining the program implementation process and fostering its continuous improvement, as well as ensuring the active involvement of communities benefiting from initiatives like SUSTENTA.


Open Access

Included in

Agriculture Commons



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