Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)




Francis Cammuso

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Fine Arts


This thesis serves as an exploration of my cultural heritage during the pre-Islamic era of the Turks. I find this topic particularly significant because the pre-Islamic era often receives little attention in Turkey's cultural discourse, and there are even efforts to erase this era, largely influenced by the indoctrination policies of Islamic-driven Turkish governments. My aim is to delve into the cultural, religious, and diverse modes of living of the pre-Islamic nomadic Turkic people who inhabited Eastern Asia. The investigation begins by elucidating Nomadism within its geographical context. Furthermore, it delves into cultural and religious aspects such as shamanism, temples, social hierarchy, and cultural artifacts. Subsequently, the analysis shifts to the subject of contemporary nomads, examining the practicality of a modern nomadic lifestyle in relation to cultural diversity and harmony with nature. Finally, the study transitions to explaining my visual thesis, which comprises three character designs, and comic book story representing a modern nomadic family: the husband, wife, and daughter. These character designs and the comic book story aim to convey elements of the nomadic lifestyle, including its religious and cultural motifs.


Open Access

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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