Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Tanya Eckert


Cover Copy Compare;Performance Feedback;reading;reading comprehension;writing;Writing Interventions

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Writing interventions have proven to be effective in improving students’ reading skills (Graham & Herbert, 2011) but are generally underacknowledged. In the current study, data from a randomized controlled trial examined whether there were differences in third-grade students’ reading comprehension based on whether they received a Performance Feedback + Cover, Copy, Compare intervention (n = 47) or a Performance Feedback intervention (n = 48). Results indicated that students assigned to the Performance Feedback + Cover, Copy, Compare intervention did not improve their reading comprehension to a greater extent than the Performance Feedback intervention. No statistically significant differences were observed in students’ post-intervention reading comprehension performance based on the intervention they received. However, an exploration of students’ reading performance over time revealed that only students assigned to the Performance Feedback intervention demonstrated statistically greater improvements. Based on these findings, further adaptations of the Cover, Copy, Compare intervention need to be investigated to fully examine whether it can be incorporated as part of classwide instructional practices to improve emerging writers’ reading comprehension.


Open Access

Included in

Psychology Commons



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