Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Sarah Woolf-King


collective responsibility;health belief model;HPV vaccination intentions;theory of planned behavior

Subject Categories

Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States, however only 10 to 48.92% of college students aged 18-26 report being vaccinated against HPV. Although constructs within the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) have been shown to explain variance in HPV vaccine intentions, theory-based interventions to increase HPV vaccination intentions have not yielded promising results. The 5C model of vaccination readiness was developed to understand vaccine hesitancy and contains a unique construct, collective responsibility, previously not used to examine HPV vaccine behavior. This cross-sectional, internet-based survey study with college students was examined the variance in HPV vaccination intentions accounted for by constructs within the HBM and TPB, the 5C collective responsibility scale, and demographic correlates of HPV vaccination. We predicted the combination of these constructs would explain more than 60% of the variance in HPV vaccination intentions, with collective responsibility adding unique variance unaccounted for by the HBM and TPB. Hierarchical linear regression was used to test this hypothesis, and change in R2 was examined at each step. Despite our hypotheses being partially confirmed, findings from this study should be interpreted with caution. The final model explained 28 – 40% of the variance in HPV vaccination intentions with collective responsibility associated with a significant increase in R2 and explaining an additional 4% of the variance in HPV vaccination intentions. However, due to the study’s small sample size and underpowered analyses, the likelihood of Type I or II errors are high.


Open Access

Included in

Psychology Commons



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