Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication and Rhetorical Studies


Kendall Phillips


Atmospheres, La Boca, Neighborhood, Place, Rhetoric, Space


The neighborhood of La Boca, located in the city of Buenos Aires, is an urban space burdened with a story and a unique aesthetic that differentiates it from other barrios in the city. In 2022, I visited this area to walk its streets, with the goal of understanding what elements marked this urban area as a distinctive place in the city. Situated within the rhetoric of space and place, this study relies on the concept of atmospheres developed by Gernot Böhme to account for the way the experience of place is constituted by an interplay between bodies, materiality and spaces. My research attends to the sensual qualities of place, I inquire about the way certain places feel, and how we become sensually and mentally inclined by space. The study helps illustrate how the atmosphere of a place emerges out of a rhetorical process, and the potential the concept offers for rhetorical examinations of space and place.


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