Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Strong, Bruce

Second Advisor

Gitner, Seth


conflict, photography, photojournalism, storytellers, visual communication, visual journalism

Subject Categories



Uncovering where we came from may help the human race avoid past mistakes and build a more peaceful future. Multimedia oral histories, period photographs, and photographic exploration of historic locations are tools that allow us to educate future generations and work to prevent conflicts. The power of storytelling runs deep within us as a society, and discovering the tools to help us tell these stories is vital for young people to create a voice for themselves. Visual journalism can be at the forefront of this education. This project focuses on three educational resources young storytellers can use to capture historical accounts from past conflicts. These tools include documenting locations with historical significance, utilizing archival photographs, and capturing first-hand accounts of past conflicts. This body of work will focus on telling the story of WWII. However, the concepts are relevant for any past conflict providing the next generation of storytellers with the skills to document history.


Open Access

Included in

Communication Commons



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